Worth of ever soul is great in the eyes of God. I know this true, God loves all of us with all his heart. This made manifest by Him sending his only begotten Son to suffer and die for us.There is no greater expression of love than the heroic Atonement performed by the Son of God. Today i was reading a talk called the atonement and the value of one soul, by Elder Ballard. I tried it find a video of it but no lucky. So i will Pull some my favorites parts out of it..
He starts the talk by talking about how he lost grandson in plane crash, and how a knowledge of the atonement help him. The Savior’s precious birth, life, Atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane, suffering on the cross, burial in the tomb, and glorious Resurrection all became a renewed reality for us. The Savior’s Resurrection assures all of us that someday we, too, will follow Him and experience our own resurrection. What peace, what comfort this great gift is which comes through the loving grace of Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of all mankind. We will see our love ones again, death can separate us for moment.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, He knelt and in some incredible way that none of us can fully comprehend, the Savior took upon Himself the sins of the world. Even though His life was pure and free of sin, He paid the ultimate penalty for sin—yours, mine, and everyone who has ever lived. His mental, emotional, and spiritual anguish were so great they caused Him to bleed from every pore (see
Luke 22:44;
D&C 19:18). And yet Jesus suffered willingly so that we might all have the opportunity to be washed clean—through having faith in Him, repenting of our sins, being baptized by proper priesthood authority, receiving the purifying gift of the Holy Ghost by confirmation, and accepting all other essential ordinances.
Then the agony of inquisition, cruel beatings, and death by crucifixion on the cross at Calvary. No one had the power to take the Savior’s life from Him. He gave it as a ransom for us all. As the Son of God, He had the power to alter the situation. Yet the scriptures clearly state that He yielded Himself to scourging, humiliation, suffering, and finally crucifixion because of His great love towards the children of men (see
1 Ne. 19:9
I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me,
Confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me.
I tremble to know that for me he was crucified,
That for me, a sinner, he suffered, he bled and died
Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of all mankind, is not dead. He lives—the resurrected Son of God lives.He cares for each one of us.
I believe that if we could truly understand the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, we would realize how precious is
one son or daughter of God.I believe that if we could truly understand the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, we would realize how precious is
one son or daughter of God. Heavenly Father has reached out to us through the Atonement of our Savior. He invites all to “come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption” (
Omni 1:26). He has taught us that it is through our faithful adherence to gospel principles, through receiving the saving ordinances that have been restored, through continual service, and by enduring to the end that we can return to His sacred presence. What possible thing in the whole world is remotely as important as to know this?
in the eyes of the Lord, there may be only
one size of audience that is of lasting importance—and that is just
one, each one, you and me, and each
one of the children of God. The irony of the Atonement is that it is infinite and eternal, yet it is applied individually, one person at a time. Never underestimate how precious is the
Oh, it is wonderful that he should care for me
Enough to die for me!
Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me!