The Purpose Of This Blog

Right now i am missionary For LDS church also know as mormon church. I had made this blog to try create better understanding of Mormons and their beliefs. Plus to help people come close to their savior Jesus Christ so they can have joyful and fullfilled lives! By learning of Christ and his teaching we can become more like. In doing so we can have more meaning full lives

Thursday, June 30, 2011

5 Principles For Having a More Meaning Full Life

Life give us to precious gifts one is time the other is freedom to choose how to use that time you have been give. The thing about time is that you cant regain it. When it  is gone you can't get is back. That's way is so important to use your time wisely cause you cant get may more. At the end of this mortal life we will be judge on how what we chose to spend our time with. Only in the gospel is the lasting Satisfaction we all are looking for. The thing of the world is like a pieces of gum at losses its favour and you need an other piece to regain the taste. But Christ is bread and water of life that if we partake of it we shall thirst or hunger not spiritual that is.

So here are 5 thing that when applied will make enrich our lives.  The are hard and require effort, but in the end we turn out for the better.  True  sucess in this life come in consecrating our lives- that is, our time and choices to Gods purposes. Consecration is to dedicate and devote to some thing sacred and has holy purposes.
  • Work, even God is glorified in his work. All honest work is the work of God and is sacred. By work we sustain and enrich life. It enables us to survive the disappointments and tragedies of the mortal experience. Hard-earned achievement brings a sense or self-worth. Work builds and refines character, creates  beauty, and is the instrument of our service to one another and to God.
  • Respect for our bodies. Our bodies are gift for God which have been bought with a price of Christ suffering. The  physical body is a divine creation in the very image of God so Why would we not deface our body, as with tattoos; or debilitate it, as with drugs; or defile it, as with fornication, adultery, or immodesty. God trusts us that we wold respect and care for our bodies. Those who believe that our bodies are nothing more than the result of evolutionary chance will feel no accountability to God or anyone else for what they do with or to their body.  As our body is the instrument of our spirit, it is vital that we care for it as best we can
  • Service, Christ  the life full of service he spent his whole in the effort to do the work of God in aiding all spiritual and physical. In my life a seen the overwhelming  feel of satisfaction in helping those around me. If Christ gave his full life for me then way cant i spend a minutes of my day doing service for others.
  • Integrity. We can see in family that respect and love each. Husband and wife that stay true to marital vows with fidelity. Integrity is not back down form what is right and stay true. Staying true at all times bring a strength of character that helps us be better disciples of Christ. Bring disciple is a full -time job their are no breaks or off time, we wear those shoes all the time.
 When this  principles are applied in  life it is a beautiful thing. Its strength and serenity are “as a very fruitful tree which is planted in a goodly land, by a pure stream, that yieldeth much precious fruit” (D&C 97:9).  Living this life uplifts and builds those around us. To make ours and other lives Holy is makes lives full of joy and meaning.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tune Into The Spirit

God would not send His spirit children to a place of test full of the unknown.With before providing a way were by is spirt children would be able to communicate with Him. He rules in the heavens and know the all things, beside His glory and power he cares for each one of us and wish to help us and direct us in right way.

Revelation may seem a word only reserved to prophets on the bible and Book of Mormon. But all of us may receive personal revelation directly for us to us. This was taught by the savior himself in Matt: 7-8 Ask and it shall be give you: seek, and you shall find: Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that  asketh receiveth:  and  he that seeketh  findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Christ promised all that seek understand or answers to our questions. That God will give it to us. This is also taught in James1:5. If any you lack wisdom, let ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not: and it shall be give to him.

So we ask God in pray the question of our souls. That's the easy part. The key is to listen to answer. The  Holy Ghost also know as the spirit of God is  third member and of God head. It is his role to teach and testify of truth. It is the power by which God enlightens our minds with when answers we seek. The Holy Ghost is like a perfect gentlemen if any thing that is offence to him is presented he will leave, like God He can't be around unholy thing. If want the to hear the Holy Ghost the first step is to be in a place were you feel comfortable if Jesus Christ was there.

When the prophet Elijah hear the spirit of the lord on  the mountain side. He said in 1 Kings 19: 12 After the earthquake a fire: but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. The Holy Ghost doesn't get our attention by shout, shaking with a heavy hand, or making loud noise. He whispers ever so gentle that if are preoccupied  we could miss it. Try to listen to soft music at the same watch to loud movie. That is what it is like to Hear the voice of the lord.  We must remove all distractions that will block us from hear the whispering of the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost is like a old radio at you have to tune into the right station. Being just a hair off can make the station full staic. To the point were we cannot understand what is being said. We must focus in and tune into the spirit. By doing so the lord will enlighten our mind and open the windows of Heaven.

I have seen the  Holy Ghost lead me in my life to the right  way. If i can do it then any one can do it. I Know it  is real and can lead on the path to happiness and joy in Christ.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Star War and The Great Conflict

I always thought that the  star wars was a great parable of life. The great conflict between good and evil all resting on your chose. The evil sith drew their power form the deep well of lust, greed, pride, selfishness. As for the Jedi the power and focus was to aid and protect the people around them, or love and serve of others.

This two groups were a two branch's of the same vine. But a couples chose lead them down completely paths. In last Star Wars , Luke was trained by Yoda the last Jedi, but he until he confronted his father Darth Vader or is past could be become a Jedi. The emperor had other plans he planned to lead Luke down the dark path to be his new servant.

At the climax Luke fought Vader with the lightsabers. In is fight it was more then just a wars fight ligthsaber is was light and darkness, both Luke and Vader had both inside them. Luke was trays to bring the light out at was buried deep in Vader and bring him back to light side. Vader and emperor where trying to make Luke  give into anger and hate by doing so would bring to the dark side. The great battles of wills, who will when.

Like Luke we have the potential to become great force for good in the world or give into anger, selfishness, pride and become a servant of the devil. The chose for yours no one and force you or make you become one or the other. We all have the freedom  to chose our path.

The path makes a big difference, the path of the Jedi was hard and full of sacrifice. In return was full of peace and joy. Only by following  Christ and Choosing the light can we achieve the great things in life. If you chose dark path of the sith and follow Satan ours life will be filled will fear, hate, and pain. Their is no peace in going down the dark path. By choosing the light and Follow Christ can we gain the richest blessing and return to Heaven with our Heavenly Father. Disregarded the light and turning to the dark will only bring condemnation

In the end of the movie Luke started down the wrong path. but he catch himself. He knew what we wanted to be a Jedi or disciple of Christ. From then he refused to fight  any more.  He choose the light over the darkness. This choose bought the light out of Vader his father. By and by the emperor was killed. Luke's goals was achieved when he made the choose to be good. Other around us will see you as you make the comment to the light. In doing soon the people around us will see the light in you and will want it for them.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Power To Change

Change is part of life, we all experience it throughout your lives. Many change are meet with happiness and re joy but some are meet by sadness and sorrow. Some changes may seem painful and sorrowful, we lose something or someone we love.

We cant grow and progress in life without changes. If you want to become more then you already are you are going have to lose the un-need badge. God knows what he wants us to be and that will require change.

God has provide a way for us to change. Its called the atonement, which is the event when Christ overcame both spiritual death tough his suffering in the garden of gesthesnme and physical death by is death on the cross and resurrection 3 days later. In know the atonement is really is covers all the negative affects of this life. We suffer my our own choose to sin and disobey God or suffers by other people poor chooses that hurt us. If you have made or making mistakes you can change if you turn to the lord and is atonement. The atonement has the power to make all the things that aren't fair in  life made right. I have seen is power in my life, to change my outlook on life and overcome the painful things of life.

Change is need and possible in Christ. Don't give up if you don't see  results in the time or way you want. Give your self time but you do need to be diligent. Meaning you need to do the best you can and work toward it the best you can. We become what we want to become by  consistency being how we want to become each day. If you want to be nicer person then you need to try to be a nicer person day by day. As your pray for help God though the atonement can change you into the person we need to be.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Give It To the Lord

Sacrifice means giving to the Lord whatever He requires of our time, our earthly possessions, and our energies to further His work. God has always ask his children to sacrifice some thing. It started with adam and eve they were told to offer up sacrifices but know not way, later an angel of the lord told them that it was to be similitude of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Thought out the old testament the children of Israel offered up sacrifice of the firstling of the flock. To prepare them for the ultimate sacrifice.

The old testament sacrifice were done to teach the people of Christ sacrifice for sin or atonement. Thought the atonement all mankind can be saved, Alma 34 : 10For it is expedient that there should be a great and last asacrifice; yea, not a bsacrifice of man, neither of beast, neither of any manner of fowl; for it shall not be a human sacrifice; but it must be an cinfinite and deternal esacrifice. ; 12 But the law requireth the alife of him who hath bmurdered; therefore there can be nothing which is short of an infinite atonement which will suffice for the sins of the world. Sacrifice of shedding of blood stoped after Christ atonement for the old was complete the ultimate and infinite sacrifice was give in our behalf.

Today we are ask as taught in Romans 8: 1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your abodies a living bsacrifice, holy, cacceptable unto God, which is your reasonable dservice. Our lives should be sacrifices to give our lives to lord. It not as crazy as animal sacrifices but it is harder.  We are to sacrifice our sins, habits, natural disers to the lord.  We learn in 3 Nephi 9:
  19And ye shall offer up unto me ano more the shedding of blood; yea, your sacrifices and your burnt offerings shall be done away, for I will accept none of your sacrifices and your burnt offerings.
 20And ye shall offer for a asacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit. And whoso cometh unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, him will I bbaptize with fire and with the Holy Ghost, even as the Lamanites, because of their faith in me at the time of their conversion, were baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and they knew it not.

A broken heart and contrite spirit means to come to Christ with a repentant heart. To put off the sinful things and seek the things of a better.

We must give our time, talents, and resource to building of God kingdom on the earth. Sacrifice is the best thing you can do to put off selfishness and to seek more meaningful things in life. Give up some good things for things are better and best is part of God's plan for us. This brings more fulfillment in life and happiness to see your actions bless the lives of other and to come closer to Christ.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Potters Clay


Many times in Scriptures they tell  to "harden not our hearts, or stiffen not to their necks". I never really though much about it. But about a year ago i visited a baptism  church. The preacher used the one of those Scriptures and related it to Clement. How the workers shape and form the soft Clement, as fast as they can. Cause when is drys is hard and impossible to change. At the part all you can do break it. Its the same way the potters clay. They came their clay moist and warm but to hot to make the clay hard.

God is the Potter of our lives, he is shaping and forming our soul into great masterpieces. Clay like our soul when is dry or what is called "bone dry' it belong the point of shaping. When we harden our heart we become set in our ways and unwilling to change or repent. We rebel against God cause we reject truth, become stubborn, and angry. When harden our heart many times is cause we feel God has treated us unfairly. Like potter that keep the clay warm with heater. God gives us warm adversity to keep us humble to God. Its up to us if we let our heart turn hard. We always have a choose to turn our heart to the Lord or away to lord.

Like potters the start a with lump of clay. they shape its its, remove unneeded clay, and when it become the what a the potters wants he will fire it. To make the pot solid it the shape of the design of the potter. When we become spiritual want Gods wants of us. God will put us in the fire of adversity  to make us firm and steadfast in Christ. A pot that becomes hard before it is done is with nothing, the potter cant work with the clay more.

Don't hard your heart to God, He like a potter is shaping your soul. It may hurt, he may remove part of you that you think that you need. The clay can't tell potter what to do, all it can do is accept the changes. God has a design or plan for all of your lives. And becoming what he wants is long, painful, slow process but in the end its worth its.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Apostles' Testimony Of Christ

Jesus sent  out twelve men to to witness of Him and to teach the people. It was the call to be an apostle,  John 16 : 16Ye have not chosen me, but I have achosen you, and bordained you, that ye should go and bring forth cfruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my dname, he may give it you. The lord call this men in their weakness to do a  great work. He choose them for he knew their potential, the apostles didn't choose or want to be the lord apostles, God called they to do. Christ gave this men to speak unto the convincing of man and to work miracles.
Today God has call apostles to lead the follows of Christ. If you are unsure about that watch the dieing testimony of a modern apostles and pray and ask God if he is truly a servant of the lord. I know for my self that he was and their are apostles and prophets today. My life and been bless by these  men.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Called to the Rescue

I will break the norm today, it being father day and every one else will blog about father. I impressed to speak on something else. The word that came to my mind were "call to the rescue". A  Prophet in the Book Of Mormon named Lehi had a vision called "the tree of life".  In the Vision he saw a glory's tree whose fruit was most desirable above all other, it represents Christ atonement and the joy that come as you come to Christ. Then is saw his family and friends, he being to call to come forth and to taste of the tree. But a mist of darkness came and veiled any view of  the safe passage to tree. At his point Lehi saw a iron rod lead to tree of life, which represents the word of God that leads us to Christ.

In this I form my post, many of us have come to Christ and experience the joy of it and know the way. but their many around us that know the way and need help. We that found way it is our duty to gather all that will listen to our voice. To call for rescues, many are lost in sin and or just dint know the way.

This is cover in vial of darkness that cloud our vision of what is right and wrong. All of  us are lost that points of our lives. Lose direction in life and off into forgotten paths. As a missionary from the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints I know we teach the fullness and complete Gospel Of  Jesus Christ. Which is the means to rescues form sin, give direction in life, and lead us to Christ.

Missionary's are called to call all to repentance for come to Christ. We are here the help to find their way in life. If you need help spiritual we are the ones us call for it is our duty and purpose to rescues the lost.

We all aren't missionary but that doesn't mean we cant  all help those around us come to Christ. As disciples it is commandment to be example to the world and rescue the lost sheep of God. Don't judge the lost but love all those around us. Christ spent of his time with so called sinners, for is was his mission to rescue the whole human race.

Today do some thing to call to rescue. Their all around us do a small act of service or help some one come closer to Christ. Maybe tell some one to look up my blog or Do what feels right. The lord will guide to those that need and want help.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Priesthood the Power to Bless others.

When Adam ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. In so cut the man from the presence of  God. Before that  point they walked and talked with God. So now the were serpated. God provide a way to bridge the gap and bring us back to God. This way was set up form the beining, it was Jesus Christ the Son of The living God.

Only God and Jesus has the power the save us. They are ones that have power and authority  to do it. But cause we cant be in God presence He gave some men to do the things He would if he was here. This is called the priesthood  authority. The priesthood is the authority to act in God's name. It has been around still the garden of Eden. It was give  to the prophets, it turn them gave it to others. But at times it evil people who rebelled against God kill the prophets and those that had the priesthood. Thought the prophet Joseph Smith in Christ names was give the priesthood. Today all worthy men that live their lives according to true gospel can be give part the take priesthood to bless the lives of those around him.

The priesthood is all about service to bless and help the lives of those around him. As man lives worthy of the priesthood he may be channel to us form God. Like of old Father can lay their hand on his children's heads and pronounce bless on them form God. They may speak the words and will of God those he bless. I have had the chances to bless the lives of many.  And by faith to heal those who are sick.

With the priesthood and living worthy of it we can be God  instruments in God's hands. To do has Christ would do and to say what he would say. It is the power to become like Christ.  To serve like Christ would is the most rewarding thing we can do. As father is huge aid to lead your family to Christ

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Family Moments That Make a Difference

Yesterday i talked about savoring the small but important in life. I talked about 4 key relationships we have in the life at our joy, peace, meaning of life balances on. The one i wanted to focus on today the family. Families are organized by God. They are place of learning, growing, loving, and sacrifice. Love is the key having happy family. Love is not bought with money, money and stuff are just empty things that that have no lasting satisfaction. However love is actually show in other 4 letter word, T-I-M-E. Send some meaning full time with you loved ones. Take a break a from your busy schedule to stop and take some come closer to those in family.

In the LDS church the stress's 3 simple ways to send time with your family, family dinner, family pray & scripture study, family home evening. It may seem small and of no worth, but family is important. As you set together every night to eat and talk about the day they will see that you truly do care for them. Even better if you all work together cook and clean. Your teens someday will move out and will need to know those important skills.

The second, family pray and study is very important. As you draw closer to God you will find that you are drawing closer each other. The Gospel bless every family and can improve your family relationships. Take some time at night or morning  to read from the scriptures and pray together. I am where i am today cause my parents taught me about God. Don't feel discouraged if is doesn't workout every time. Many of times our study and pray got forgot, distracted, and some times Angy. Don't it by the couple bad experiences. But over time it a create a wonderful masterpiece made of small and simple bush stokes.

Last is my favorite for a couple reasons. Some years ago the LDS church started a program called Family Home Evening. Basically what is it is very week usually on Monday. The family get together to do devotional with signings hymns, pray, play a short game, short lessons, and the best part treats at the end. I love this things, at first i thought it was boring. Over time i stated to look forward to it. Make it fun and to the level present. Once again love is time, one night a week to truly be with your family. To be of one heart and one mind. Here is a short outline of what a family home evening should look like.

  • opening hymn
  • opening pray
  • discuss family matters
  • game or activity
  • short lesson on a gospel topic
  • closing hymn
  • closing pray
Learn more about family home evening here
Learn more about  happiness in family life here

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What Matters The Most To You

The small and simple moments of my life have shaped my life. Yes their are big moments and events in life, but small thing that happen every day lead us in making and shaping our life. The joy of life is not found in  frantic pace search for  happiness. I find the greatest joy in life in socking in life. By slowing down and really focus on what matters the most now. Don't worry about the past or wonder about future, like your mind be presence to what is going on now. Focusing on God, family, others around us, and ourselves will bring great meaning to life. This are 4 most important relationship we have in this life. So shouldn't we send some time working on each one.
Putting the things of the word to side and focus on essentials life. Technology is becoming more more powerful and is separating us all little by little. Think back as a childhood  what were some your most favorite childhood  moments. I always remember a Christmas as kid that had given the family uno attack as a gift. Your whole family and spouse got together and played. In one game we play for like 2 hours, i love its to be around those love having fun. Then all out of nowhere my dad throws the game so my brother won. I remember that Christmas the most. Not cause of the toys i got, trips i went on, or the money spent. I love we all got together and just play a small game of uno. Just think if you had those kind moments just every month or week. Your life would take new meaning. No longer the cars, electionics, cloths, and houses wouldn't matter. Slow down take a breath and make the best of what happens. See here to see more

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mormons Temples a Place of Peace

Yesterday i and the chance to go the Nashville Tennessee temple. i love the temple it is a place of peace and pondering. Many influence in the world drag us down the temple is place we can feel presence of our all mighty God. In times past the prophet went to mountains to receive instruction and guidance form God himself like moses. And moses on the a mountain was to could to build tabernacle or temple instead of going to mountains. In Christ he taught many times in the temple. Today we as members of church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints we go to the temple or mountians of the lord to worship God and receive direction.

When were i enter this scared building dedicated to the lord i feel an overwhelming spirit. cause of the fall of man and sin we are separated from God. In temple we can bridge the gap of man and God. The temple is heaven on earth. I feel his spirit, love, and power as i worship int the temple.

Every one is welcomed to come the temple but their are some requirements that we must met. like temples of old there laws of purification. We must live our life is a way that is according to God. You must be pure to enter for its is Lords house. Many the thing done in the temple has be received by revaluation, and can only be understand by Revelation. There for all who live to law may enter.

Many ask what is temple worship? In temple we rreceive sacred ordinances, including those that bind husband and wife together for eternity, as well as join children and parents. This ordinances are convents or two-way promise to God. So in the temple we take upon ourselves more convents that are required to exaltation.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why do I Love my Family

Its said the LDS church think highly of family and work to build and strength them. But why are families so important. I guess it all starts with who we are and where we come from, in Hebrews 12:9 we learn the God is Father  of our spirits. He love and cares for us His work and Gory is the eternal life of man. He has a Son Jesus Christ who was sent to earth to be slain for the sins of the world. God is a God of families he sent is Gospel and plan for us based on the family. They created this beautiful world for us, and put our first parents on the earth Adam and Eve.

Adam and Eve state is taught in the Book of Mormon 2 nephi 2:22-25 they pure and innocence not able to children and didn't truly good from bad.  But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who aknoweth all things. As we know the parted of the tree of knowing of good and evil. This made so they would sin and could feel pain and death, but the plus was they could have children and learn from their mistakes. And Christ come to into the world to save all men form the fall of man  or when they partaken to the fruit.

Family is what drives the gospel and the plan of salvation. Cause though them we can have our family with you forever after this life. The capstone of the gospel and the plan of salvation is the temple. In the temple is the power to sealed our family for this life and for eterntiy. If are sealed\marred in  the temple and live up to the promies we will have those we love the most with us forever.

 In family we and achieve ever emotion, spiritual, and physical need. They are and like oil masterpiece. millions of simple and unattractive bush stokes. But as you take in the whole picture of small bush stokes it create a thing of beauty. No family is perfect, in our church we feel we are going spend eternity with them we better love and respect them  now.

I love my family they have have and been  a help and a support for me. Have the restored Gospel, priesthood power, and promise of the temple that our family can be forever has greatly blessed me. It has give us a direction and road map for my family. If your family is not is place you want it to be please learn and apply the Gospel in your family. You can learn more about family and how you can improve them   here families

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Trap of Addictions

Satan's plans is all centered of removing our freedom. There habits and drugs that when are done can hijack the brain and take away our freedom. We come dependent on it, and is seems that we cant live without its. Our life is consumed in that habit its all matters to met that appite of the addiction. This is sad all to common in the world.

Before the world was God has prepared a way for you and me to over come all and any addiction. No matter how far down the path you have gone. There is still hop and you. Like salmon swimming up river, its takes lots of  work and effort and you might fall backward once or twice. But  i promise if you give it your hardest and turn to the lord you can get free. Medical research describes addiction as “a disease of the brain.” 4 This is true, but I believe that once Satan has someone in his grasp, it also becomes a disease of the spirit. But no matter what addictive cycle one is caught in, there is always hope.

If anyone who is addicted has a desire to overcome, then there is a way to spiritual freedom—a way to escape from bondage—a way that is proven. It begins with prayer—sincere, fervent, and constant communication with the Creator of our spirits and bodies, our Heavenly Father. It is the same principle in breaking a bad habit or repenting from sin of any kind. The formula for having our heart, our body, our mind, and our spirit transformed is found in the scriptures.

In my life i have had to fight to get free from addiction. At first i tought is was impossible and want to i give up to Satan and the addiction. But i had repeatedly been taught that all can repent no matter how far down the path. So i began a daily battle against the addictive wants. I prayed like no other and over time it got easier. The addiction is still there in back of my mind but i know that i have repented and God has forgiven me.  We all can experience this. Pray is the first and most powerful step.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Why do we need Joseph Smith

When Christ visited the earth he taught and did many great things. he knew that he would leave the earth so he gave men power or priesthood the act in his name, this men are called the apostles they are a essential part of Christ church for its form they alone comes the Revelation to whole church, had the power to do ordnance like baptism,  and to call other officers in the church.

Regardless of the valiant efforts of Christ’s apostles and their faithful followers, the original church that Christ restored began to fade away. Members faced severe persecution and all but one of the apostles were martyred. This is a period called the Great Apostasy, when there was a “falling away” (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3) from the gospel Christ organized. The apostolic authority to bestow priesthood keys and to receive revelation for the Church was lost along with many precious teachings. Errors about His teachings crept into the church resulting in conflicting opinions and lost truths. This period is what we call the Great Apostasy.

The main things lost in the apostasy
  1. The correct doctrines and teachings,  galatians 1:6-9,2 timothy 4; 3-4
  2. they changed the ordnance's and convents,  Isaiah 24: 5
  3. the true priesthood organization of Christ church , Ephesian 4:11-14

Here is  a sweet video about the affect of the apostasy and a man found the truth

Without authority or divine direction, Christianity struggled to survive with conflicting opinions on even the most basic teachings of the gospel. Without priesthood authority or the full gospel, people had to rely on human wisdom to interpret the scriptures, principles and ordinances. Many false ideas were taught as truth, and much of what we know about the true character and nature of God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost was lost. Essential doctrines like faith, repentance, baptism, and the gift of the Holy Ghost became distorted and important doctrines were lost entirely.

So the power of God was lost to earth and could only come back by heavenly intervention. That way Joseph Smith is so important. He was the human that was lead by God to restored the true gospel and priesthood authority to the earth.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

We Choice to be Happy

Every day we make choices. We all the gift from God to direct our lives the way we want. We may choice our actions but we can't choice the consequences. For has given us his commandments and its up to us if want to live according to them. Every commandment has a reason, to bless us  and protect us. So when we fail to keep a commandment from God we lose blessing and protect from unwise chooses. We read in The Book  Of Mormon in Mosiah chapter 2 :41And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and ahappy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are bblessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out cfaithful to the end they are received into dheaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it. So keeping the commandments and putting our trust in God = our happiness, that doesn't mean our lives will be prefect. Its means we will bless temporal and spiritual by having the Holy Spirit with us.

Also we read in 2 nephi chapter 2 27Wherefore, men are afree according to the bflesh; and call things are dgiven them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to echoose fliberty and eternal glife, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be hmiserable like unto himself.  When we choose to keep the commandment  we are sit free. Like addiction to smoking is bind you down and you lose your freedom. Breaking any commandment will sooner or later lead to captivity, spiritual death, and even sometimes death itself. Alma 41: 10 Behold, I say unto you, awickedness never was bhappiness.

in conclusion choose to follow Jesus Christ by keeping his commandment = happiness, freedom, and eternal life with God. Breaking the commandments and not following= pain, suffering, captivity to sin, spiritual death. You can choose to happy today by choosing to follow Christ better.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Great Blessing of Marriage and Family

In marriage and family relationship we can find the deepest and profound desires of spirit, emotion, and physical body. It is ordained of God. God wishes all of us to be partakes of one of the supernal joys of life. Pure love is an incomparable, potent power for good. Righteous love is the foundation of a successful marriage. It is the primary cause of contented, well-developed children. Marriage provides an ideal setting for overcoming any tendency to be selfish or self-centered. I think one of the reasons that we are counseled to get married early in life is to avoid developing inappropriate character traits that are hard to change.

Two of the vital pillars that sustain Father in Heaven’s plan of happiness are marriage and the family. Their lofty significance is underscored by Satan’s relentless efforts to splinter the family and to undermine the significance of temple ordinances, which bind the family together for eternity. The temple sealing has greater meaning as life unfolds. It will help you draw ever closer together and find greater joy and fulfillment in mortality.

To me family and marriage means sacrifice and commitment. their are out that is unnecessary to marriage by law. That you can simply live together with on stress, no ties, no worries, no commitment. What they think they can get out of this fake marriage, they miss some the greatest blessing this life has to offer. If you live to together please don't ride the fence. Christ doesn't like fence rides. Choose to stay together forever or move on. All relationship have bumps and dips, don't be mistake this as signs of failure. If you and our family to work it out together you can see though the bumps and dips.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Scales of Eternity

Their are two ideas that stand though eternity. they are what governs and bless our lives. Theses two ideas are Justice and mercy. God is an unchangeable God, from the beginning He set forth his law and the punishments for break that law. this don't change no matter what. We all break the laws of God and though God justice we must be punished for it. That means to suffer for our sins and we wound be able to return to God kingdom.  We all are in of mercy but God alone can give mercy. Cause mercy cant  robbed justice. The justice must be satisfied.

This is where beautiful and my love Christ comes in. Christ lived a perfect life with on sin. He offer himself as sacrifice for sin to met the demands of justice. Only one with out sin could pay to the cost of sins of all. He has taken upon himself the plenty of our sins. All we have to is accept Him as our savior and follow Him. Living the gospel of Jesus Christ brings the  remission of sins.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Let Go Of The Past and Face The Bright Future

I remember this story when i was in high school. it  always impressed me on the level love and forgiveness  that God has for us and how much we should have. Bad things happen to us all day long, we can't stop or control it. All  we can do walk those under our feet and move on. Most forgive, for we all are in need of forgiveness from God. I know no matter you have done or what was done to you.  The power of Christ Atonement can heal and forgive you. I love God for that, i have had hard life with many painful experiences. Thought pray and faith i have feel the heal light of the Atonement. We must forgive to be forgiven. future