Life give us to precious gifts one is time the other is freedom to choose how to use that time you have been give. The thing about time is that you cant regain it. When it is gone you can't get is back. That's way is so important to use your time wisely cause you cant get may more. At the end of this mortal life we will be judge on how what we chose to spend our time with. Only in the gospel is the lasting Satisfaction we all are looking for. The thing of the world is like a pieces of gum at losses its favour and you need an other piece to regain the taste. But Christ is bread and water of life that if we partake of it we shall thirst or hunger not spiritual that is.
So here are 5 thing that when applied will make enrich our lives. The are hard and require effort, but in the end we turn out for the better. True sucess in this life come in consecrating our lives- that is, our time and choices to Gods purposes. Consecration is to dedicate and devote to some thing sacred and has holy purposes.
- Work, even God is glorified in his work. All honest work is the work of God and is sacred. By work we sustain and enrich life. It enables us to survive the disappointments and tragedies of the mortal experience. Hard-earned achievement brings a sense or self-worth. Work builds and refines character, creates beauty, and is the instrument of our service to one another and to God.
- Respect for our bodies. Our bodies are gift for God which have been bought with a price of Christ suffering. The physical body is a divine creation in the very image of God so Why would we not deface our body, as with tattoos; or debilitate it, as with drugs; or defile it, as with fornication, adultery, or immodesty. God trusts us that we wold respect and care for our bodies. Those who believe that our bodies are nothing more than the result of evolutionary chance will feel no accountability to God or anyone else for what they do with or to their body. As our body is the instrument of our spirit, it is vital that we care for it as best we can
- Service, Christ the life full of service he spent his whole in the effort to do the work of God in aiding all spiritual and physical. In my life a seen the overwhelming feel of satisfaction in helping those around me. If Christ gave his full life for me then way cant i spend a minutes of my day doing service for others.
- Integrity. We can see in family that respect and love each. Husband and wife that stay true to marital vows with fidelity. Integrity is not back down form what is right and stay true. Staying true at all times bring a strength of character that helps us be better disciples of Christ. Bring disciple is a full -time job their are no breaks or off time, we wear those shoes all the time.
When this principles are applied in life it is a beautiful thing. Its strength and serenity are “as a very fruitful tree which is planted in a goodly land, by a pure stream, that yieldeth much precious fruit” (D&C 97:9). Living this life uplifts and builds those around us. To make ours and other lives Holy is makes lives full of joy and meaning.