The Purpose Of This Blog

Right now i am missionary For LDS church also know as mormon church. I had made this blog to try create better understanding of Mormons and their beliefs. Plus to help people come close to their savior Jesus Christ so they can have joyful and fullfilled lives! By learning of Christ and his teaching we can become more like. In doing so we can have more meaning full lives

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What is the role of Jesus Christ in God in our lives

Jesus Christ is the important being to walk this earth. though him we achieve all good things. He is the light and truth to the world. But what makes him so powerful? First off in bible john 3:16 it says ¶For aGod so bloved the cworld, that he dgave his eonly begotten fSon, that whosoever gbelieveth in him should not perish, but have heverlasting ilife. So Christ is only spiritual and physical son of God. Being both gives him the ability to die and take up again, live a sinless life, and work many miracles.

Christ was only one a was willing and able to preform what we call atonement. Th atonement is the event when Christ suffered for pain, sickness, afflictions, ands sins of all the human race. Plus the loosed the bands of death. This means  that he die, but by his own power and came back with a perfect body. Though is event we can all over come the fall of Abram and return to the presence of Heavenly  Father.  In the book of Mormon we learn about this in 2 nephi 2:26-27; 26And the aMessiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may bredeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are credeemed from the fall they have become dfree forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the elaw at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.
 27Wherefore, men are afree according to the bflesh; and call things are dgiven them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to echoose fliberty and eternal glife, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be hmiserable like unto himself.

God has set forth is laws and punishment for breaking those laws (this is now as a sin). Our God is an unchanging God, his laws and punishments are all same no matter who, where, when, or how you live. But The cool thing Christ took upon him the punishment of every one sins, and we don't have to suffer or our sins if would just repent. Justice is set, mercy is conditional on us repenting and being baptised. Jesus Christ though his atonement to can apply mercy withhold punishments of the justice of God. And welcome us back into his presence.  I know this is true and his blessed my life.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eye single to Glory of God

If found this great scripture this morning. its From a book called doctrine and covenants it contains modern revelation to prophets today, in doctrine and covenants 58:3Ye cannot behold with your natural aeyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the bglory which shall follow after much tribulation. With human eyes we can't make fair judgements. But God can see and knows all things, so we don't have to question him cause he comprehends more then us. That brings me to the phase an eye single to glory of God, today got a better understand of phrase and why its so important. In the Book of Mormon 3 nephi 13:22The alight of the body is the beye; if, therefore, thine eye be csingle, thy whole body shall be full of light. The eyes is window of the soul and want is inside it. So as we take in the light of God to it enlightens us. but as look away from the light and truth of God we go into darkness. So as we aways look to God thought pray and scripture we can have to wisdom , ligth, truth of God in our lives.

Monday, March 28, 2011

signs of the times

This morning is watching video made by my church about the second coming of Christ and the many destruction and terror that will prevail his coming. In the bible we are taught, that Christ will return and when comes back all the wicked will be goon and  he will personal govern on the earth. but we also are told that we will know His coming is near when we see much wickedness, war, and suffering on the earth. This will be a time of great trouble. There will be earthquakes, great storms, disease, and famines. Hailstones will destroy the crops of the earth. Many people will stop loving our Father in Heaven and will turn to Satan. They will also stop loving and serving other people and will begin to harm them. There will be many wars on the earth. Nations will fight each other. These wars will continue until a great and final war takes place, which will be the most destructive war ever fought on the earth. Then Jesus will come.

Though all hard, painful, and alone times before his coming. their the light at the end of tunnel. He will come and set the whole earth in order. The problems we have now are just a small moment. And we hold out faithful to his gospel we will have nothing to fear.The ending Joy Christ returning overcome the darkness.

Also we are taught to no man knows when he shall return. so all the dates and predictions for the end of the world all false. cause the bible is the word of God and doesn't lie. Fear not for God understanding is far greater then man's.

In the end all things will put right. if we do die in the destruction before his coming. Christ overcome death.Thought him we all will come back with a new body like him. This life is not the end. If we live the gospel and keep his commandments we have nothing to fear.

here is website were you can learn more

Saturday, March 26, 2011


In the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints we believe fasting often.  Fast in so very important to our spiritual live, it gives us a chance to let our spirit or will power to overcome the natural part of us. In my life i have see fast increase the power of my self-control to avoid sin.  This is show in Book of Mormon , helamen chapter 3 ;35Nevertheless they did afast and bpray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their chumility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the dpurifying and the esanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their fyielding their hearts unto God.

One ofter cooling when we combined fasting and pray of some thing like direction on what to do, healing of you or some one friend, or to come know if some thing are true, like pray it know if Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, or any about the gospel. I have seen miracles brought in my life by fasting. One time i was teaching this family and husband was out of work. They needed money and a job bad. So all of us fasted that he might get a job. By Wednesday he got 3 interviews and 1 job opening. At the end of week he got more calls for interviews and opens. The lord truly blessed them. We are in the lords hands, he will help us we just need to fast and pray.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Come unto Christ

One day i thinking to my self what does that phase Coming unto Christ mean. I have said for 18 months know but what is the deeper meaning. so i turned to the scriptures for the answers, i study and i wanted to share want i have learned. to show you the how and the why of coming onto Christ. First i will use a scripture in the Book of Mormon in the book of Moroni 10 32 Yea, acome unto Christ, and be bperfected in him, and cdeny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and dlove God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be eperfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God. So Christ has the power to make us perfect. By his grace and love is sufficient or enough to filling the gaps of our weakness. Cause we all sin every day and in Christ we find the power to  over come the natural man or wicked part of us. Or to take away all our unrightness/sins this is call receiving a remission on our sins.

So how do we come unto him so he can help us be clean of our sins.  The first step is to believe in Christ and his power to cleanse us of our sins. Faith in this key to unlock the blessing of gospel. We must believe in his words and commandments enougth to start  living them. The next scripture tells us the commandment for all men. It is also in the book Mormon in 3 nephi 27 20 Now this is the commandment: aRepent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be bbaptized in my name, that ye may be csanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, that ye may stand dspotless before me at the last day. If we repent and be baptised we will be found guiltless of sin before God. Cause Christ fills the gaps of our weakness. When we do all that we can to follow Christ it is enough, Jesus can do the rest

Christ fulls our lives with light and happiness's, we can find forgiveness of our sins thought Christ blood. The fall of Adam brought pain, suffering, and death. And Christ come to fix it all on a person to person basis. I love my Savior with all my heart, cause he has healed my broken heart. I know you can have the same blessing in your life as you come onto Christ though odenice to commandments, faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the the gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end. I know this true. i will tell more in my next post

Monday, March 21, 2011


So might say "why is pray is so important, i can solve my problems by my self. But they they are mistaken. First we must learn what makes God so powerful in Book of Mormon we read in mosiah 4:9Believe in aGod; believe that he is, and that he bcreated all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all cwisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not dcomprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend. So God understand all things even the things we cant see or understand. He see it from the start to the finish. Wouldn't  some one like that be able to give great advise. For me personal pray is a must. It lets me to talk to  the supreme being. And the cool thing is he love us all of us. He takes to answer all of our prayers. The answers come in the time or way we want and it may be no some times. But he still love us with his whole heart. I know this true. i have felt his live in my life many a times.

Gods answers our prayers for guidness though the Holy Ghost. Which speaks to us by the thought and feels. The key is we need to stop and listen to hear the answer. Pray is a 2 way conversation. So we need to give time for God to respond to our pray. So during and after we need to pause and ponder on those thing we asked. The Holy Ghost speaks as a whisper. so we need to stop and listen with a tuned in ear and heart to hear and feel the Holy Ghost.

Recive and acting on Revelation is the most power full tools you learn in this life . it Will bless you life and family in so many ways. i have seen pattern work in my life and i know it will work in yours. it hard at first but it gets easier as you go. In my life i have seen the power and comfort that comes by giving a pray from the heart. We are never alone, there is always some one to talk to. God is always readily and willing to receive you. I know this to be true.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Holy Ghost

Who is the Holy Ghost and why is he so important in Gods plan for u?

 We learn by morden prophets at is the third member of the Godhead, and is a personage of Spirit having no body. It also call  the Holy Spirit, Spirit of God,  and comferter.

The Holy Ghost performs several vital roles in the plan of salvation. (1) He bears witness of the Father and the Son (1 Cor. 12:3; 3 Ne. 28:11; Ether 12:41). (2) He reveals the truth of all things (John 14:26; 16:13; Moro. 10:5; D&C 39:6). (3) He sanctifies those who have repented and become baptized (John 3:5; 3 Ne. 27:20; Moses 6:64–68).

The Holy Ghost can fill our lives with peace and joy. We can find happiness in this life as we feel the spirit.I know that he can be the guide we need in our lives. Life is hard but God has given us the power thought Holy Ghost to see thought the mist of this life and into the windows of heaven. If pray to God with faith asking for help. God will answer our question in His time and way, by the Holy Ghost.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Natural disasters

With the recent earthquake in Japan and other disasters around the world. Some might sake a fist to heaven and plead why! The answer isn't simple but is isn't to compicated ether.  Baicy God When he created the earth he set law upon the earth is governed. They are his laws and he must odey they cause he is an unchanging God. This doesn't mean He doesn't love us. It is a actually a poof of his love. His love is showen tough his laws. The laws dont change, if he changed he no longer be God but he.  He will help us in our life but he wants like all parents to have his children work to solve their problems together. So yes bad things do happen but God is always there to help us.  Their is no thing in heaven or on the earth that can separate us from love of Christ. Here one my favorite scripture about this. It's Roman 8:34-39
 35Who shall separate us from the alove of Christ? shall btribulation, or distress, or cpersecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
 36As it is written, For thy sake we are akilled all the day long; we are accounted as bsheep for the slaughter.
 37Nay, in all these things we are amore than bconquerors through him that loved us.
 38For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
 39Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to aseparate us from the blove of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  I know God loves us all no matter what happens. He has given us the power to over come the world its  call the gospel of Jesus Christ, it is the power unto salvation. We can find peace and joy and happiness in this life as we come to Christ by studying his gospel and pray daily. How you overcome disasters in our life?

Monday, March 14, 2011

The returning of the lost

I know that God wants us to know him and his ways. We learn of this though scriptures and modern day prophets. He revels his will and commandments to prophets. See God call prophet to teach the people and to record what they taught, this is know has the scriptures. But what would happen if the people rejected the prophets and what they taught. The people enter into a state of rebellion called apostasy. they killed the prophets, and with the they some of teach if learned were lost. but God in his wisdom and love took away prophet for a season, but over time gave a new prophet the restored what lost over the years. i know the  that this happen  after the death of the original apostles. Over the years in Gods love he called a new prophet named Joseph smith. He restored all he doctrines and teaching of God. This is the greats messages since the birth and resurrection of Christ. Here a great website to learn more.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What is a prophet

God in his love has provide a way for us to receive direction in life and to help us be pointed to Christ. Prophets like light house on coast show us the way though life and back home safely. Life is  like a storm sea full of confusion. A Prophet warn us of pit falls of sins and tell us to follow Christ. Them are called of God to lead the human race. That call set them apart  from the world. Their main responsibly is to be a witness  of Christ at all times  God speaks to prophets his will, then a prophets  tell us what they have learned. We can trust them, if a prophet tried to lead the people astray God would remove him. We don't have to wander in this life their a men on this earth to help. President Thomas s Monson is the lords prophet on the earth today, and he has a quorum of 12 apostles.  You can learn what the prophet and apostles have to tell us about God's will today at, and here's a site to teach more about prophets I love the lord and servants that help us today.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Blessing of Baptism

This morning i study about baptism. it was great and found a great scripture about the effect of coming to Christ. Found in the Book of Mormon. Mosiah chapter 4. 11And again I say unto you as I have said before, that as ye have come to the knowledge of the glory of God, or if ye have known of his goodness and have atasted of his love, and have received a bremission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls, even so I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own cnothingness, and his dgoodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of ehumility, fcalling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing gsteadfastly in the faith of that which is to come, which was spoken by the mouth of the angel.
 12And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the alove of God, and always bretain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the cknowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.When we come to him we are filled with joy and love of God. No thing on this earth and subsittue the happiness of a testimony and relationship of God. The purpose of this life is to be happy and be ready to return to heaven. And both of those are achieved by being born again or to repent and be baptised. I Know you can come to know what i have said is true though pray and you  can find more at .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This morning i study a interesting topic pride. i read a speak give by Ezra Taft Benson an modern day prophet of God, called beware of pride. It was very moving and pierce to the very soul.  It tell us that pride is an invisible to us and universal sin. Those how have it have a hard time seeing that they have it. Also pride is connected to self-esteem, to a way to try to rise us above anyone. The important thing is we all are children of God. In his eye on living soul and more then another. their on ranks or levels in eyes just us trying to become like him. one my favorite parts is "The proud depend upon the world to tell them whether they have value or not. Their self-esteem is determined by where they are judged to be on the ladders of worldly success. They feel worthwhile as individuals if the numbers beneath them in achievement, talent, beauty, or intellect are large enough. Pride is ugly. It says, “If you succeed, I am a failure.”", and "Pride fades our feelings of sonship to God and brotherhood to man. It separates and divides us by “ranks,” according to our “riches” and our “chances for learning.” (3 Ne. 6:12.) Unity is impossible for a proud people, and unless we are one we are not the Lord’s. (See Mosiah 18:21; D&C 38:27; D&C 105:2–4; Moses 7:18.)". So this morning a was truly humble before lord and repented my proud, pride full, and judging my self and others.  I know that God truly loves all of us. even we don't accept it he still is here. He will always be there.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Christ has the power to heal us

Is morning i was reading a talk about agency. It was from a lager meeting of our church called general conference. the talk was given by a church leader named Patrick Kearon, his talk was titled “Come unto Me with Full Purpose of Heart, and I Shall Heal You, i loved it. it talk about how we are told and taught to the commandments. but  at some times we disodeyed and disregarded them  becase how our lazyness and rebelliousness. When we do that we put our selfs and danger of the sting of sin. At the beinging we might feel it, but over time it will hit and we will suffer. That why repentance is so imoropant. The Jesus can and will heal and spiritaul and emotional wounds caused by our and others poor choises or sins. Its called the Atonement. Please look it up and tell me want you think .

here some my good qotes

 "we find healing and relief only when we bring ourselves to the feet of the Great Physician, our Savior, Jesus Christ. We must lay down our weapons of rebellion (and we each know what they are). We must lay down our sin, vanity, and pride. We must give up our desires to follow the world and to be respected and lauded by the world. We must cease fighting against God and instead give our whole hearts to Him, holding nothing back. Then He can heal us. Then He can cleanse us from the venomous sting of sin."

"Our prophets and apostles, leaders and parents continually point out the track we must follow if we would avoid a destructive blast to our souls. They know the path that has been safely cleared of mines (or indeed scorpions), and they tirelessly invite us to follow behind them. There are so many devastating traps to entice us from the track. Straying into drugs, alcohol, pornography, or immoral behavior over the Internet or on a video game will head us straight toward an explosion. Deviating to the right or the left of the safe track ahead of us, whether because of laziness or rebelliousness, can prove fatal to our spiritual lives. There are no exceptions to this rule.
If we have strayed from the track, we can change, we can return, and we can recapture our joy and our inner peace. We will discover that returning to the track from which the land mines have been removed brings enormous relief."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

what is study to day

i hit me to love God we must odey his word and love all people cause they are all childern of God, and  when we love God he show his love for us. When he show his love to by  blessing he gives us, we feel happy and joyful now matter what we go though, and sending the Holy spirit to inlight our path. Some the most imorptant things to have in this life is gained my loveing God and everone we met