I am nearing the end of mission and i am very so thank full the chance to serve the lord this last two years. The lord truly do qualify you for the work, he inspired, uplifts, and builds you to new heights. By the spirit of the lord i have come to know the truth of God what he wishes for me and others. Through study, prayer, and apply the gospel in my life. I know that it is true, and it will bless any one life. Also the gospel has the power to resolve the questions of our soul.
For this may be my last post on my blog. So i felt that i should end with my testimony of what i know what is true unto the all the ends of the earth. I speak to you in type but i hope and pray the the spirit of the lord will com firm to your heart and mind the truthfulness of what speak.
The first thing is bear my testimony of is that God is our loving Heavenly Father which will answer the heartfelt and righteous prayers of our heart. Pray is the first step in to truly coming to know that God is real. On my mission i have gained a profound respect for pray. Many of time i have wondered is any one listening to me is their any one out there. God almost always answers our prayers as the arising of the sun. A slow increase of light. Until the brightest day. Dint give up on pray or God if it doesn't seem to you like nothing is happening.The lord requires the heart, and we give him our heart by our consistently. I Know God lives and loves each one of us. No one is abandoned my the lord. Only we can abandoned Him. If you wish to come to know God and feel his influence more in your life. The first step is to go before him in humble pray.
Next is that Jesus Christ is and was the son of God, the Redeemer of all mankind, the savior of the world. By the virtue of the fall we are a fallen people. Death of the body and the spirit has an affect on all of us. God knew this would happened and knew that man would need a savior to save them form the fall . This is the life of mission of Jesus Christ. He suffer and died for the sins of all man kind. This is not all he also took upon him the pains, sickness, and affections of us all also. No matter you are going though the lord Jesus Christ has been their and knows how you feel. In his atonement will can find the healing power we need. Jesus has the healing wings the heal any wound. All he asks us is that we come unto him and to follow him. If you seek peace and forgives from God. Come unto Christ by learning and living his Gospel. The lord can and will help you get though any thing you face in life. I know the Jesus Christ that once suffered for the sins of World lives. He loves you and wants to help and heal us all.
I know that God spoke to man but also that he speaks today. In the 1820's a young boy searching for spiritual guidance on what church was the true church. He look to find the true gospel and power that Christ himself brought to the earth. In study and pray he as directed by lord. He went to grove of trees behind his home. In humble and sincerely pray to God. In his own words he tell us what happened that day. " I saw a pillar of clight exactly over my head, above the brightness of the dsun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. When the light rested upon me I bsaw two cPersonages, whose brightness and dglory defy all description, estanding above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My fBeloved gSon. Hear Him!" Some happened that not for happened many hundreds of years. God himself and his son Jesus Christ appeared to man and communed to him. Later that young man Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet and was to resorted the true and competed gospel of Jesus Christ back to the earth. Giving us every doctrine and principle pertaining to life and salvation also the that same priesthood power that was part of Christ's church. I know that Joseph smith was the prophet of the lord and that the church he reorganized back the earth is the lords church.
Last i bear my testimony of the Book of Mormon. it is truly the record of ancient prophets in America. It is a volume of holy scripture comparable the bible. In the Book of Mormon contains the fullness of he Gospel. All men that will prayerfully read it will feel the spirit of the lord in their heard, will draw closer to God, and will find the answer to life's many questions. I know that it is a book of scripture at all men will profit from reading it. The book has guided me thought out my mission specially i the hard times.
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