The Purpose Of This Blog

Right now i am missionary For LDS church also know as mormon church. I had made this blog to try create better understanding of Mormons and their beliefs. Plus to help people come close to their savior Jesus Christ so they can have joyful and fullfilled lives! By learning of Christ and his teaching we can become more like. In doing so we can have more meaning full lives

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Clicks of The Clock of Life

Time keeps marching on and  on will not stop or be undone. Mortal life is part of a journey that is spent with time, you cant buy more and isn't refundable. Once it is sent you cannot get it back.  It is the most precious resource in this life. Time, like clicks of clock is always gone click by click.

It has been said that "where you money is your heart is". This is true what you truly care about you wont about the price. Think of you loved ones your family what cost would you go for them. Our time is money, you exchange your allotment of time for thrills. You may trade it for base desires. You may invest it in greed. But these are no bargains, for in them you find no lasting satisfaction.Every day, every hour, every minute of your span of mortal years must sometime be accounted for. And it is in this life that you walk by faith and prove yourself able to choose good over evil, right over wrong, enduring happiness over mere amusement. And your eternal reward will be according to your choosing.

How you spend you time prove who you are, what you want make yourself and life. What is worth your time. The question is what satisfies our deepest needs. Think of gum one my favorite is juice fruit the problem the favor is gone in 5 minutes and i need another piece to get back the favor. their are things life at only satisfied for a very short time tv, food, video games, shopping, smoking, alcohol, drugs, pornography, and any sinful act. Sooner or later the pleasurable favor will leave us. Leaving us only with us a desire to get it again and again until we are are out of time.

Family and the Gospel is what brings the most satisfaction to our lives. They fill our lives with meaning and joy. Two the most wanted after things in this life. We all want pursue and meaning for our lives. So may feel lost for forgotten. Remember you have Father in Heavenly who is God. He loves you endlessly and what the best for you in the long run.

With your allotted time spend is wisely no the things that matter most in life. The choose is yours no how you use your time but you cant choose the affect of your chooses. Spend your time with family they will always be our parents, sisters, brothers, or children you cant escapee them. So the most of it. Use your time to gain a  strong relationship with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. A testimony of Jesus Christ is a source of inner strength to face the challenges of life. Spends time in deep heart felt pray and reading the words of Christ also know as the scriptures. Those two thing proved a two way communication with the Father of our Spirits.

Time is always marching on use to in the best ways possible. When you we brought to stand before God and judged how spent this mortal life He will be pleased with your wise choose and will reward you for it.

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