Does God have a Plan for Me?
Why i am here and what do i need to do?
Is death the end?
Babies are born and people dies almost ever hour on this earth. Is it all by roll of the die, or is their something bigger as work belong then what we can see with our mortal eyes. Their is a God and he lives, he has plan for for us the plan of salvation. It as been made know to us by the prophets of the past and prophets today.
When Adam and eve were cast of the garden we were then able to have children starting the human family. Like them we all have the power to choose. It up to us to follow Gods plan and have happiness or reject and suffer.
When we were born, we forgot our pre-earth life, which means we have to live by faith rather than our memory of God. To help us through life, God promised that His Spirit would guide and strengthen us. Each time we feel the quiet comfort of His Spirit, we know that God loves us and cares about us.
Our life on this earth just small moment in Gods eternal plan for us. Cause the fall of Adam we all born into a fallen state.Which separates us form God presences, suffer physical death and pain, but also spiritual death and suffer cause of ours sins. Thou are are fallen and broken God has provide a power and savior that can rise us up. John 3: 16 For aGod so bloved the cworld, that he dgave his eonly begotten fSon, that whosoever gbelieveth in him should not perish, but have heverlasting ilife. Jesus came into the world of suffer and die for us, this act is called the atonement. It is way to make us one with God again. To over come spiritual death by our sins and physical death. the shedding of his blood in the garden of Gethsemane, his death on the cross and subsequent bodily resurrection from the grave, he made a perfect atonement for all mankind. All are covered unconditionally as pertaining to the fall of Adam. Hence, all shall rise from the dead with immortal bodies, because of Jesus’ atonement.
This life is a time for us to prepare to meet God, we are told in the scriptures that God will judges by according to our work in this life. No unclean thing (spiritual) can enter into the kingdom of God. We all sin but tough Christ atonement we can become clean from our sin. In this life we are gain faith in Christ, repent of sins, be baptised by priesthood authority, receive the holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, and live faithful to Christ gospel tough out our lives. Doing we can become clean and free from penalty from our sins. Time on this is limited we don't know when time will run out. So it is best to prepare now, so we aren't caught off guard.
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