The Purpose Of This Blog

Right now i am missionary For LDS church also know as mormon church. I had made this blog to try create better understanding of Mormons and their beliefs. Plus to help people come close to their savior Jesus Christ so they can have joyful and fullfilled lives! By learning of Christ and his teaching we can become more like. In doing so we can have more meaning full lives

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lamp Onto The Nations

God is light and Truth, all of it come from Him. It what makes Him God, gives him the power He his, and wish is light and truth of spend throughout the universe. Cause of our fallen state we cant be in his presence so He spends though is authorized reprentives or His servants. He is times past called him labor for the cause of spending the light and truth of God they are call the prophets. God has Called prophets from the beginning with Adam and eve. He reveal to them in dreams, visions, and by Holy Spirit also know as the Holy Ghost  His will and truth from heaven.

Moses is the best example. God chose moses and called to be a prophet giving him a change to free the Jews  and Giving him the power to be a prophet. As he spoke to the egythians he spoke what the lord told him is say. He work many great miracles that proved the power he was given from God. As the Jews were freed moses the lead the Jews to a promised land. Finally Moses saw God face to Face and was given the 10 commandments. It is prophet job to receive the light and truth of God and share it with others and to keep it pure. Evil men like the darkness and lies and will try to take away from light and truth the prophet brought.

Thoughout time the people repently reject what the prophets taught and did. I think is as a oil lamps its purpose is to illuminates a room showing what is real and true.  The intensity of the  light is largely dependent of the wick. On the lamp their is Dial that you turn which rises and lowers the wick. If you lower the wick to much the will go out, and as rise it up, clean, and trim the wick is will burn brighter. It is the same with prophets them came to give light but people chose to put out the light by killing them and destroying what they wrote. This puts the world in darkness and in need of a new prophet.

When Christ came the world was  in brightness the Jew didn't believe in more prophets or that God would speak to men any more. So when came to lamp burnt bright unto the whole world. But once again man put the light out. God won't force man He will let him do as he may. God will wait until the people and ready and willing for a new prophet.

God loves us more then you can think. He doesn't want us to suffer and wander in the darkness, He will provide a new light to for us.

Today the fullness of Gods truth or doctrine is on the earth and His light shines unto the whole earth. All this came about in the 1820 when God call an unlearned young man Named Joseph Smith to His prophet. Their are prophets  today that walk the earth spending the light and truth.

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