The Purpose Of This Blog

Right now i am missionary For LDS church also know as mormon church. I had made this blog to try create better understanding of Mormons and their beliefs. Plus to help people come close to their savior Jesus Christ so they can have joyful and fullfilled lives! By learning of Christ and his teaching we can become more like. In doing so we can have more meaning full lives

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weak Family can Become Strong

Family is the Central unit of socialite. It is the base of all our experiences in life and is what brings the greatest joy and fulfillment in life. Sadly like balancing spinning plate  one bad action or word can destroy all our hard work. A happy family is like fine  porcelain made of select raw materials, formed with faith, carefully crafted by consistent righteous acts, and fired in the furnace of uplifting experience. It is an object of great beauty and priceless worth. . Yet it can be damaged in a moment through transgression, requiring painful, prolonged effort to be rebuilt. When protected by self-control, families will endure for eternity.

How do you protect you family. We know Satan or the devil is the enemy of all righteousness, happiness, peace, and freedom he wishes to take all this away form us. Satan want to mock and destroy family, cause if he can do that then he takes out the central foundation of socialite . God was and in mindful of this and has provide a source of power for us all. To help us make tough the storms of life. This source of power is called the gospel. It teaches us the principles that build and enrich families. In the gospel we learn to become more like our savior, when that happens the gain the attributes of being a happy family. Successful family are built upon the principles of Faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome activities.

That's way is say all the time that the gospel can will bless any family. When they together learn and apply the gospel in there family. The  gospel is the power unto salvation, but also to save your family. I have seen family that were on the edge of destruction be reforged with unity in Christ. When you have commonality in Christ with your spouse or child you feel and experience seamier and familiar spiritual yearning that bound you together. When a family knees and prays together  and pray that the lord will bless your family. Thing come into focus plus love and respect is increased.

You are looking to strengthen or build your family to new highest. The answer is easy, Christ invitation is 'come unto me" and "come and see". The lord true and full gospel has been restored to earth. It has the power to save families, straighten families, and bring more meaning to your family.

Just give it a try what the worst that could happen. Their are tons of missionary like all around the world that would love to share with you the fullness of the Gospel. We  love to help all that will listen. You aren't alone in this life, all are welcomed.

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