The Purpose Of This Blog

Right now i am missionary For LDS church also know as mormon church. I had made this blog to try create better understanding of Mormons and their beliefs. Plus to help people come close to their savior Jesus Christ so they can have joyful and fullfilled lives! By learning of Christ and his teaching we can become more like. In doing so we can have more meaning full lives

Monday, March 21, 2011


So might say "why is pray is so important, i can solve my problems by my self. But they they are mistaken. First we must learn what makes God so powerful in Book of Mormon we read in mosiah 4:9Believe in aGod; believe that he is, and that he bcreated all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all cwisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not dcomprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend. So God understand all things even the things we cant see or understand. He see it from the start to the finish. Wouldn't  some one like that be able to give great advise. For me personal pray is a must. It lets me to talk to  the supreme being. And the cool thing is he love us all of us. He takes to answer all of our prayers. The answers come in the time or way we want and it may be no some times. But he still love us with his whole heart. I know this true. i have felt his live in my life many a times.

Gods answers our prayers for guidness though the Holy Ghost. Which speaks to us by the thought and feels. The key is we need to stop and listen to hear the answer. Pray is a 2 way conversation. So we need to give time for God to respond to our pray. So during and after we need to pause and ponder on those thing we asked. The Holy Ghost speaks as a whisper. so we need to stop and listen with a tuned in ear and heart to hear and feel the Holy Ghost.

Recive and acting on Revelation is the most power full tools you learn in this life . it Will bless you life and family in so many ways. i have seen pattern work in my life and i know it will work in yours. it hard at first but it gets easier as you go. In my life i have seen the power and comfort that comes by giving a pray from the heart. We are never alone, there is always some one to talk to. God is always readily and willing to receive you. I know this to be true.

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