The Purpose Of This Blog

Right now i am missionary For LDS church also know as mormon church. I had made this blog to try create better understanding of Mormons and their beliefs. Plus to help people come close to their savior Jesus Christ so they can have joyful and fullfilled lives! By learning of Christ and his teaching we can become more like. In doing so we can have more meaning full lives

Saturday, August 27, 2011

4 Principles of Repentance

Yesterday i posted about repentance. We all fall short the glory of God and have need to repent. No one accountable is excused from this needed act.

Many of us know the steps of repentance and have repeatedly walk its path. For most of us we will walk this path every single day of our lives. True lasting repentance is not done of one act, but it the sum of a life time of righteous living. As like babies learning to walk we will stumble, fall, and fail and at times. This don't mean we are worthless and should just give up. It means quit the opposite. We are all Children of a loving God who is full of grace and mercy for the repent. Repenting is hard, takes work,  and take time. Thou we should put off repentance, so be surprised if you struggle with.  Their is war inside our heart and soul. The great battle between the spiritual and the carnal. Repent is yeiding to the spirit and putting off the natural  man.

On that note here are for principles of repentance that i have found to bless my life.

  1. Humble, To repent is sense is to be humble. To look the lord and say "you are right lord I do need to do better". To be humble is to accept the need of repentance. We must put off all pride, and give our whole heart to God holding nothing back.
  2. sincerely. To truly repent require something inside yourself. It requires our heart and mind having a desire to repent. Question yourself why do you repent is to please the lord or man. God now the desire and sincerely of our heart for that is where he looks. If you aren't scenery the lord will hold back the divine forgiveness
  3. practice. repentance take time. We must to our best to avoid the sins that we easily do. To change is hard and requires us to work on it every day. To repent and receiving divine forgiveness is one the great gifts we can receive in this life. Some times we suffer with the memory and remorse of our sins long after we have commented them.In the the church we us the phase "repentance process", This is true. It is process some times takes long then we wish. The important factor is  we desire to change and improve. The change of heart are to have in the repentance process is show by a desire to sin no more. Yes will be tempted and some times we give into temptation. If you want and are tyring to avoid sin. You are in the process of repentance.
  4. love. Very thing about the gospel is fueled and motivated my love. In John 3:15 we read   For aGod so bloved the cworld, that he dgave his eonly begotten fSon, that whosoever gbelieveth in him should not perish, but have heverlasting ilife.  God and Jesus loved us some much that They paid the ultimate sacrifice. The forgiveness that we seek is given to us by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. If love is so important for them should it not lead our repentance process. If we truly love Jesus would we not follow the commandments he set forth and follow his example.True and deep love for God is what will lead us to to true lasting repentance and in turn Feeling the love of the savior more in our life. Also Christ taught the need of o loving one other. Said it would be the sign of the disciple. Love those around us and accept them for who they are. The people around us may make mistakes that hurt us. But at the same time we are also are making mistakes. We must love all for we all are in need of forgiveness. Love like repentance means their are greater things ahead.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Clean the Wounds of The Soul

Wounds are a normal and natural part of life. The wounds if want to talk about are both physical and spiritual. We all have had flesh wounds cuts, scape's,  or even slaceration . Flesh it self is weak and is easy damaged if not protected. Much like our spirit or soul, its is to hurt or damage it, cause to flesh or the natural man in us we easy fall into sin.

I always remember those days as a kid when fell off the bike, tripped, or just got hurt. I would run to mom, then she would look at it and judge the best treatment. This i  was always afraid of, cause  what she might do. We all the know to clean cut well you many time us alcohol wipes. That what i feared most, cause  yes it cleans the wound but  burns and stings. When get cut it like in the cause to get infected making it worse and protect it form healing. So you clean the wound. Yes it hurt but its worth it and is need, being pure and clean is always better then being dirty and unclean physical and spiritual.

Healing its better then letting the wound infect

I am amazed at the Savior’s encircling arms of mercy and love for the repentant, no matter how selfish the forsaken sin. I testify that the Savior is able and eager to forgive our sins. Except for the sins of those few who choose perdition after having known a fullness, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven. 15 What a marvelous privilege for each of us to turn away from our sins and to come unto Christ. Divine forgiveness is one of the sweetest fruits of the gospel, removing guilt and pain from our hearts and replacing them with joy and peace of conscience. Jesus declares, “Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?” 16

For most, repentance is more a journey than a one-time event. It is not easy. To change is difficult. It requires running into the wind, swimming upstream. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.”As if we were climbing a tree-covered mountain, at times we don’t see our progress until we get closer to the top and look back from the high ridges. Don’t be discouraged. If you are striving and working to repent, you are in the process of repenting.

So what are the steps to repentance
  1. we must realize the sins and desire to repent
  2. confuse to God in pray and when need to others
  3. when possible repair and replace the wrongs
  4. forsake the sin or to avoid the doing the sin again
  5. try our best to keep the commandments.
Yes repentance hurt at first. Over time as you repent you will find the guilt, shame, and pain from our sins will be taken form our heart. Fulling our heart with joy,  peace to our conscience, and  the divine gift of forgiveness.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Spirit of God Can't Be Stoped

The cause of truth shall forth unto the whole world. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints is the God chosen church on the earth today that contain the priesthood authority of God and all the truths of heaven. The prophet Joseph Smith once said, “The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done.” 

The video below show the the grow of the church, remember the church was reorganized in 1830's and this video was made in 06. As of last year the total member of the church in the 14 million. The dots stands for a stake. A stake is a group of congregations, a congregation is about 200, and their is about 7 congregations per stake. So that can give you idea of the growth of the Church. This not a man's church. It is the lord work and his church.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Three Prinples of Revelation

To receive revelation for God is one of life's most difficult task. Many voices try to cover up the voice the spirit. Some today even go so far as to say that their so now such things as revelations. In the scriptures is the truth about this, for the scriptures hold the answer life. In the Book of Mormon in Mormon 9 we read the truth of the this matter.
 I speak unto you who adeny the revelations of God, and say that they are done away, that there are no revelations, nor prophecies, nor gifts, nor healing, nor speaking with tongues, and the binterpretation of tongues;

For do we not read that God is the asame byesterday, today, and forever, and in him there is no cvariableness neither shadow of changing?

If God revealed things anciently would he not do it today at the time when we need him the most. I know God lives that he spoke and He will speak today if have faith, ask, and listen.

Now here are three principle upon personal revelation is based. First off personal revelation  is guidance form God to us to to help us find our way in life. And a parent or leader we may receive revelation according to those we server and have duty over. Not to control them, but to help and support them along the path to eternal life. So there are the three principles.
  1. We must first be humble and submissive. in Isaiah 55 we read  For my athoughts are not byour thoughts, neither are your cways my dways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my aways bhigher than your ways, and my cthoughts than your thoughts. We have to will to accept the will of our heavenly father in all things. Ina  way let go of our will, thoughts, and desires  to find the higher way.
  2. then we most study and ponder the things we seek.  Like the rising of the sun, the light and glory of the sun doesn't come at once of over time piece by piece to the glory of the noon day. So it is with revelation we must give our effort and listen to the spirit. In modern revelation God taught Joseph Smith. Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.  But, behold, I say unto you, that you must astudy it out in your bmind; then you must cask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your dbosom shall eburn within you; therefore, you shall ffeel that it is right.  Pondering invites the whispering of the Holy spirit to our heart and mind. When you ponder you are to stop the race of life and be still. To stop and meditate listening to the thoughts and feeling that come to our mind.
  3. Lastly all revelation is based on our sincerely or real intent. Those mean that we would act upon the revelation given. If we don't have true desire or willingness to act why would God tell us. All its would do is condemn us. You must have a strong desire to know and receive before it will be give to you.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Eternal Nature of Families

God us places in family for a reason. In that social group we learn the most import and basic principles of life and salvation. The spirit of young ones are cultivated in loving and caring environment. We build loving bonds and surpassed much the chaos of life. This bonds are some the strongest we can have in life.  You can change who your friends but you can change who your Family is. So you better make the best of  it.

The question comes my mind is "Why would he put us in this family if only they will be torn apart by disagreements, sorrow, and even death". The answer is not of man teaching or ideas, but of divine principle of Heaven.

 First death is not the end of our existence, Our spirits or eternal they were before birth and will be after death. The soul will home to that God who gave them life. To await the resurrection and judgement of all mankind. For those were faithful and valiant  in a testimony of Christ will be with God though out the eternities.

Also the family it self is  an eternal thing. Many times in the scriptures God i refers to as the Father of  our Spirit or Heavenly Father. This statement is  more true then many thing. For God is true creator and Father to our Soul. Before we were born He created our spirit, was our spirit father,  and were part of a spiritual family.  As are born into the world we are give mortal family's to help us learn and grow.  This family don't have to be limited to this mortal life. Though Christ are able to gave salvation and live after this life God. In Matthew 16: 18-19  we read of Christ giving the sealing powers to peter the apostle.

 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this arock I will build my bchurch; and the gates of chell shall not dprevail against it.
 19 And I will agive unto thee the bkeys of the ckingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt dbind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

With this sealing power peter had the power to seal or bond families though out the eternities. Also they live faithful the gospel their family can and will beond the grave. To be in family with the ones we love the most in place of were their is on sorrow or anger. What a great bless! All our family can be together forever.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Body a Gift From God

Many today don't know or belief how special our body's are.  Some don't feel any responsibility to their body that they can to with how they please. The truth is our body are all great gifts from God, He trust us that we will use this gift wisely. The human body is the greatest machine earth. Full and complex systems and sud systems that work together in unity. With our Body's we can achieve the greatest bliss and work.

Gaining a body is part God Plan for us. It is free gift He gave all every one, the test is how we well we us that body.  Know ye not that ye are the atemple of God, and that the bSpirit of God dwelleth cin you? 

Think it this way your father Just gave you the car of our dreams . But the catch is your father will see how you treated this great gift, and if you treat it with respect and love. He has Greater gift in store for you. Wouldn't you  do all you can to treat that car with the up most respect or would you throw it all way for moments of pleasure. Just like your father how will judge how you have used the car. God will judge how you treated your life on earth. Reality is that our life on earth is a Stewardship of time and choices granted by our Creator. That some day will accounted for, according how we live our life our Heavenly Father will reward us.
1 Corinthians 6
 19 What? know ye not that your abody is the btemple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your cown?
 20 For ye are abought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Those who believe that our bodies are nothing more than the result of evolutionary chance will feel no accountability to God or anyone else for what they do with or to their body. We who have a witness of the broader reality of premortal, mortal, and postmortal eternity, however, must acknowledge that we have a duty to God with respect to this crowning achievement of His physical creation. Why would you then we would certainly not deface our body, as with tattoos; or debilitate it, as with drugs; or defile it, as with fornication, adultery, or immodesty. 4 As our body is the instrument of our spirit, it is vital that we care for it as best we can. We should consecrate its powers to serve and further the work of Christ. Said Paul, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God” (Romans 12:1).

In concision our body are holy and special gifts form God.  That we need to honor and respect. By doing so show our love and respect toward God. When we show love to God, he shows is love to us. As you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you.

 20 For ye are abought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Weakness Become Strengths in the Lord

We are born in a weaken or frail state some and body that can't or barley support human life. Weak in body, mind,  and spirit overcome this weakness is part of life. As for me i have to learn to over come a.d.d and dyslexia (a reading disability). As kid i was year behind in reading, and suck at spelling. I also thought it was embarrassing and humiliating that so bad at English language. I guess in way it made me meek and humble. Some times i thought why would spend me to the earth with all this problems, and why did make it easier.

I found the answer in the Book of Mormon. Remember the scriptures are the words of Christ and contains the guide book to life. In Ether 12: 27 we read And if men come unto me I will show unto them their aweakness. I bgive unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my cgrace is sufficient for all men that dhumble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make eweak things become strong unto them. This meant to me was that God gave us weakness to make us humble and dependant on Him. If we rely on Him he will help us overcome our weakness and become strong in that thing. By Faith in Christ and his atonement we can overcome all our weakness in life in time.

For him me when i stated high school i really wanted to overcome my Reading disabilities. So with faith in lord and in myself i pressed forward. Stretching myself to my limits, and yes i did struggled and still do at times. Now i may not be prefect and i am better and getting better day by day. We wont become prefect in this life but we  can strive to do better every day.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fruits and Works

God doesn't want us to ponder and guess what is right and true. He loves us and wants us all to know for a fact the truth. Since the beginning he has provide a means for us to know the path.

The lord Jesus Christ taught Seek and we find, Knock and it will be opened to us, Ask and we will receive.  This is true, before Christ crucified he to told the apostles that God would send the Holy Ghost. Whose role is to teach and testify of truth, and so to lead and guide us. As we ask God in pray to know what is right. God will confirm to our souls the truth of all thing tough the Holy Ghost.

This is not all in the summon on the mount Christ and taught and warned that false prophets and/or teachers will come tyring to deceive you. But by the fruits you would know a true prophet from a false one. Only good men of God can bring the thing of God. The things of the spirit come to those follow Christ  and seek to serve God. Evil men cant bring good thing that lead to the true understanding of God.

Joseph Smith was a prophet of all might God, called in this latter days to lead us and to restore the full and complete gospel of Jesus Christ back to the earth. He didn't seek the praise of men or to gain glory in their sight. He suffer and died for what he claimed to be true, if he lied and about what he saw and did. Why would he suffer persecution,  fear, being kicked out of city after city,  and even marching to own death with faith and courage, leaving his Family father less, and many to walk across the plains of America in hope of peace? No liar wound go so far what he knew to be lie.

Just as Christ taught by the fruit of Joseph Smith we can know if he was true prophet or false, judges the works the him as guided by the spirit. The Holy Ghost will up lift and enlighten our mind to truth if you seek it. So what are the fruits of Joseph Smith and the Church he reorganized on the earth.
  • The Book of Mormon, A volume of Holy scripture That was written in  ancient Americas, the book is 529 page and on very page their is reference to God or Christ. No farm Boy of the 1830 could write book like unless he was directed by the lord
  • thought Joseph Smith the Lord bought the true Priesthood Authority  back the earth
  • The many revelation that expanded our know of God
  • The Church he reorganized on the earth with all its duties and offices
  • The Mormon tabernacle choir, the world most famous Choir sings beautiful songs of the Savior
  • church welfare program, a program developed 75 years ago, to help and support those in need.
  • More than 50,000 missionaries are serving missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at any one time. Most are young people under the age of 25, serving in nearly 350 missions throughout the world.
  • From the beginning of only 6 members in the 1830s to now over 14 million members worldwide

Friday, August 5, 2011

Perfect Love Cast Out Fear

Fear stops us form doing many thing in the would some times good and some times bad. Like touching a hot pot we are afraid to get burned or afraid to stand up for what you know to be true. Fear is normal and natural emotion we all feel it. The question is do we overcome our fear to do the better in all things.

We are to fear the lord in some ways that is the first step in commandment keeping lifestyle. But the more powerful source is out of love of God. John 14  15¶If ye alove me, bkeep my ccommandments.  If you Love the lord and trust you put it all on the line and follow him. Some times its scary to  follow the lord. We many times are in darkness and have to trust Him by harking to His voice. Which will bring you to the light and glory of God.

Love for God and those around us will cast the fear from before us. As we do so  you will See the world  in a greater light with hope and faith for tomorrow.   If you have perfect and complete love for The lord and some one nothing to to hard for them.

 1 John 4:18There is no afear in blove; but perfect clove casteth out fear: because fear hath dtorment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Love for the lord create a hope in him that enlightens our darkness hour give the optimistism to face it. Faith, that what he says is true and what he commands is possible. love gives meaning a beauty to live. It turns simple acts into blessed serve to the lord.

Fear not the lord is with you by your side each step along the way. He love you more then you can think. Wish your happiness and will help and support you in heaven way.  Give Him your heart with love, then he will fill your full being with love, light, and joy with on fear to be found

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What are you carry with you

What is sin and why is so bad? What can it hurt  to steal and lie bit? The prophets and Christ warned so sin. Sin is simple by natural and buts affects are far reaching even into the eternal.

God in our spiritual father, He gave us this world, our lives, and power to direct that life by our choose. From the ever begin with Adam and eve God set some rules and conscious for their actions. God gave them commandment of what wants us to do and as we do so he will bless cause of obedience to the commandment. But its us to if we will follow the command. When fail to follow a commandment, don't want He ask, or do what he tells not to that is sin. Sin separates us from God, like mortal father when you fail do as he says  you drawn apart. God is perfect he can look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. When we break a commandment and sin their is a penalty that must be payed for.  Sins are burden to our soul, each sin we do is  one more weight we have to carry around. If your ever been on a long hike, you should know that the light the pack the easier the hike is. That is how life is it will be easier as we go on in life we can a light pack free of sin. Just like backpack we can make it light though repentance.

 Satan is the enemy of God, his purpose and enjoyment comes form leading you  way for God. He will lie, cheat, blackmail, and bribed you to follow him. Sin is much like  poison in degrees. It always starts out small but when the small part poison is normal and OK. The sin or poison is increased in small amounts.  Over time we will deep in the pit of sin and it may seem like their is no why out. Step by step we lead away careful in to deeper and deeper sins.

No sin brings lasting happiness, sin does bring short feeling of pressured. It is on lasting or full filling joy. True freedom and happiness comes as we follow the savior of the world. We sin and fall short of the glory of God. That doesn't mean its OK if sin and you can keep doing it. Sin will  keep you from God the source of happiness. We must forsake sin and do our best to  live better and better sin free lives.

After this we will be judged by Jesus Christ according to our works. No unclean thing or sin full thing can enter into Gods resting place. If you have sin upon you at the last day  you will not be able to receive all that we could.

Christ came to earth to atone for the sins of the world. This means he  took upon himself the penalty of sin for us all. Cause he did that if we repent we can become clean form our sins being forgive from God. forgives from God is made possible tough Christ. It however works for those who accept it though repentance and baptism. Christ suffer for our sins but if we don't repent or be baptised by to true priesthood. It is like their was no atonement made, or Christ hadn't suffer for our sins. The Savior Jesus Christ did suffer  for the sins of whole earth. If you gain faith in Christ, repent , be baptised, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure faith to the end our  days. We will clean of our sin, being found spotless at the day that judgement bar of God

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Times of Distress and Sorrow

Many things and experience in life pull us down into sorrow and frustion. Life is no spiritual picnic, full of painful things, trails, test, and  satisfaction. How we react when  we encounter adversity largely  affect our happiness and success in life. Ever one faces hard things and test. So test or different then others. I remember a line form the play "fiddler on the roof". When the man character wish he could be rich, he says to God "if being rich is a sick, may be  strict in with it and may i never recover." You may see people that go thought with no problems, remembers the rain falls on us all. All are tested by God and God's are fair in the end.

When you face adversity the first thing you need to remember is the purpose of life. this life is day of probation or testing. So God see if we will be faithful to him at all times.  If life was prefect with on problem, wouldn't it be easy to stay true to God, but what would it be worth. Their wouldn't be any satisfaction or reward. There in opposition in all things. For every good their is a bad. So for us to truly understand and comprehend good of life we must taste and little of the bad. So its OK if some bad stuff happiness its part of life. The test is how we handle and overcome it. So instead of asking why this is happening. Ponder and pray "what am i to learn?, how can apply it to my life?, how would i Jesus react if he was in my place? What is the good that can and will come of this?

Christ first and foremost teaching was faith. Faith in Christ is the key be successfully in life and being happy. Christ suffered the pain, sickness, and satisfaction of all men. He overcome the world and has the heal power. No matter or distress or sorrow the Savior atonement has the power to heal you, but you must have faith in him. He will aid, uplift, guide,  and comfort you in your times of adversity.

With faith and Trust in God and Jesus Christ every thing leaves us as blessing. The wind that would push us down, will fill your sails and push you toward Heaven.