The Purpose Of This Blog

Right now i am missionary For LDS church also know as mormon church. I had made this blog to try create better understanding of Mormons and their beliefs. Plus to help people come close to their savior Jesus Christ so they can have joyful and fullfilled lives! By learning of Christ and his teaching we can become more like. In doing so we can have more meaning full lives

Friday, July 29, 2011

One Lord and One Truth

Their is only one true and living God and only begotten son in whom he sent to earth to save us. On other God stand before him, he is the master of the universe. The source of all light and Truth that is in the universes. He doesn't vary not  to left or to right, but is set on a straight eternal course. The he runs the world and what he requires of us doesn't change. Ephesians 4: 5 One Lord, one afaith, one bbaptism. Their is ONE ETERNAL TRUTH

We cant choose what maker of the universes is like or want he says. He is our father of our spirits, oh can a son tell his father how he is. The Father is charge, he sets the terms, its up to us if we accept the terms he as set.

The question is then how do you find the truth about God, his son, and Their gospel. God has sent messages to the earth thought out time and even to day. They are called prophet, men that are call of God, give power from God, and speak Gods words to us.  The ancient prophet the book of scripture the bible and the Book Of  Mormon. Though this book we  can hear the voice of the father. Also God Today has Called President Thomas S. Monson to be  is prophet for us to today.

But that not God knew some would doubt and would need a convincing power. The Holy Ghost the third member of the God head is an teacher and testifier of truth. We read of the power of the holy Ghost in Moroni  10:5 by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may aknow the btruth of all things. The Holy Ghost speaks to though the feeling of  our heart and ideas that come to mind. Have you have been comforter ed in a hard time in pray or at church, And when face with hard choose ahead of you had a idea come to your mind that didn't feel like your own. That is the influence of the Holy Ghost that is sent to us to guide us to truth and to testify of the truth  of it to us.

Jesus promise us if we ask, seek, looked for the truth we would receive it. As you study it out in your mind pondering on the things you have learned. Praying to God the he would reveal you the truth of all times. God speak to us in his own time and way.  I promise if wish to know if Book of Mormon is true scripture and if Joseph Smith and Thomas S. Monson is the lord prophet on the earth today. You can know for sure the truth by the power and  influence of the Holy Ghost.

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