The Purpose Of This Blog

Right now i am missionary For LDS church also know as mormon church. I had made this blog to try create better understanding of Mormons and their beliefs. Plus to help people come close to their savior Jesus Christ so they can have joyful and fullfilled lives! By learning of Christ and his teaching we can become more like. In doing so we can have more meaning full lives

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Power of God Unto Man Today

We are separated from God both physical and spiritual. Would it be nice to have God come down from heaven to teach us, to lead us,  and to baptism us. There wouldn't any question about if he had authority to do it. He is God the source of power in the universe. But sad that isn't  the case, we must walk by faith in this life.

The question is if God loves us, how can he teach us, lead us, and do ordinances of the gospel for us if he isn't here.  This is where the miracle of the priesthood comes in. The priesthood is the authority to act in God’s name. To  say God isn't here but cause i have the priesthood i can take his place. To fill the gap between God and men. Though time God gave the priesthood to prophet though heaven messagers . The priesthood is give to other by the laying on of hands. Like when moses give Aaron and his son the permission and power to be priest.

When Christ was on the earth he call and ordained 12 apostles. He chose them, they didn't ask to be apostles. They were called of  God. In Matthew 10 Christ gives the apostles the priesthood. And when he had acalled unto him his btwelve disciples, he gave them cpower against dunclean spirits, to cast them out, and to eheal all manner of fsickness and all manner of disease.

In the priesthood holds the power to heal the sick, teach, cast out devils, to baptism, give the gift of Holy Ghost, and to receive revelation  for the Church as Whole. The apostles used all these to lead the Church of Jesus Christ. Even thou  Christ was off the earth, He lead the Christ by revelation to leader of the Church.

When Joseph Smith restored the true and living Church Of Jesus Christ back to the earth heaven messagers once again visited the earth and gave him the priesthood.

Today any worthy male of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints may hold and use the priesthood. An unbroken chain of priesthood ordination all the way back to Christ. All are imporontant int the church , the priesthood is just a opportunity to serve other. I have see the power of God affect my life though worthy priesthood holders.

Friday, July 29, 2011

One Lord and One Truth

Their is only one true and living God and only begotten son in whom he sent to earth to save us. On other God stand before him, he is the master of the universe. The source of all light and Truth that is in the universes. He doesn't vary not  to left or to right, but is set on a straight eternal course. The he runs the world and what he requires of us doesn't change. Ephesians 4: 5 One Lord, one afaith, one bbaptism. Their is ONE ETERNAL TRUTH

We cant choose what maker of the universes is like or want he says. He is our father of our spirits, oh can a son tell his father how he is. The Father is charge, he sets the terms, its up to us if we accept the terms he as set.

The question is then how do you find the truth about God, his son, and Their gospel. God has sent messages to the earth thought out time and even to day. They are called prophet, men that are call of God, give power from God, and speak Gods words to us.  The ancient prophet the book of scripture the bible and the Book Of  Mormon. Though this book we  can hear the voice of the father. Also God Today has Called President Thomas S. Monson to be  is prophet for us to today.

But that not God knew some would doubt and would need a convincing power. The Holy Ghost the third member of the God head is an teacher and testifier of truth. We read of the power of the holy Ghost in Moroni  10:5 by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may aknow the btruth of all things. The Holy Ghost speaks to though the feeling of  our heart and ideas that come to mind. Have you have been comforter ed in a hard time in pray or at church, And when face with hard choose ahead of you had a idea come to your mind that didn't feel like your own. That is the influence of the Holy Ghost that is sent to us to guide us to truth and to testify of the truth  of it to us.

Jesus promise us if we ask, seek, looked for the truth we would receive it. As you study it out in your mind pondering on the things you have learned. Praying to God the he would reveal you the truth of all times. God speak to us in his own time and way.  I promise if wish to know if Book of Mormon is true scripture and if Joseph Smith and Thomas S. Monson is the lord prophet on the earth today. You can know for sure the truth by the power and  influence of the Holy Ghost.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Husband and Wife to Become One

Their are many forces that are pulling families apart. God wants us to be untied in heart and one mind. That is goal of the family relationship and gospel to be one with God. As we do so we will have Gods love and peace in our heart and in our home. God said If your aren't one your aren't mine.

I like to think of it like a triangle. Gods is on the top and husband and wife are the bottom corners. So as the husband or wife draw closer to God they by affect will come closer together. When live the way Jesus did and command us to we find we can overcome any difficulty or differences. Christ show us the Path of happiness in this life and to eternal life in the life to come. Gospel living and commandment keeping brings you closer to God, and as you do so a husband and wife become more like their savior. By doing so they will can become one.

As you love as Jesus love you accept the thing you cannot change and do your best to improve the world around you. Christ gave all he had for cause of God. He loved all men even those how beat, cursed, killed him. Should try to emulated that love in  our life.

Christ taught draw near unto me  and i will draw near to you. Also no one gets to father but though me. That means if you want God influence in your life you got that the first step toward Christ. Christ waiting to receive us, he want force and any man to come to him, its up to us. So He stand with open arms waiting to receive you with love and support. Take step to Christ by meeting with the missionaries. i Have seen life change, people become better by our message. I know if  you listen and apply the missionaries message you will achieve some deepest desire our you heart by coming to Christ. When you come to Christ it full your life with joy and meaning, peace of mind in uncertain times, i have seen family saved at were about to fall apart, and most importantly though Christ atonement He can remove the guilt and shame from your heart.

If you want this thing in your life meet with the missionaries, read the Book of Mormon, visit us on Sunday at one of our worship serves all are invited, go to, pray with all energy of heart for help to God. and prepare to baptised by some one that hold the authority of God. I know as to do you thing you will feel deeper love For God, our Savior, and your family.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What is After the Grave

Does God have a Plan for Me?
Why i am here and what do i need to do?
Is death the end?
What is after i die?
Will i is see my loved ones that past away again?
Were is heaven and what will it be like?
We all have experienced death in our life. It painful for your heart to see the ones we love the most to leave is mortal life. Who when faces the darkness of death and suffering can wonder what is belong the grave? Is their more, does what i do in this life really matter? Lastly if their was a God why he let them die or suffer like they did.
I testify that death is not the end, and this greats truths have been revealed to us by prophets last and prophets today.
The Body is made of the flesh the part we see and feel, but all man are born with a spirit or soul. God is Father and Creator of our spirits. When we die our body goes into the grave, But our spirit goes to spirit world. This truth is lost to many church is is plain taught in  1 Peter 3 18For Christ also hath once asuffered for sins, the just for the bunjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to cdeath in the flesh, but quickened by the dSpirit: 19By which also he went and apreached unto the bspirits in cprison; 20aWhich sometime were bdisobedient, when once the clongsuffering of God waited in the days of dNoah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were esaved by fwater. We  Christ died  he did nit go to heaven  he went to spirit prison their he taught the gospel to spirits that didn't have a opportunity to hear the gospel or were disobedient. In the spirit world we are same people and have all our memories of this life. Here is a time for to learn and accept Jesus Christ. Also to prepare to meet God.
We all from the fall of Adam it bought pain, suffering, and death into world. Christ atonement the event take makes is possible for us to overcome the negative things of life. Christ the pain, sickness, and afflictions of all men. Even death in self was broken.  Making it so that all men may be  resurrected. we learn of the Resurrection in Alma 11  42  Now, there is a death which is called a temporal death; and the death of Christ shall loose the abands of this temporal death, that all shall be raised from this temporal death.
 43The spirit and the body shall be areunited again in its bperfect form; both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame, even as we now are at this time; and we shall be brought to stand before God, cknowing even as we know now, and have a bright drecollection of all our eguilt.  All will be resurrected having  perfect and immortal bodies like the savior. After the Resurrection we will brought to stand before God to be judged.

We will judged by Christ according to  our works  and desires on this earth. We all sin, the purpose of life is to come free of our sins so we can be clean before God. 3 nephi 27 19 And ano unclean thing can enter into his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth into his brest save it be those who have cwashed their garments in my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness unto the end. To be with God we must come free of sin by our faith and repentance.  Because every one's works and desires vary, heaven includes different kingdoms,or degrees of glory depending upon what we up into it.

This what we Cal the three degree of  Glory's. Which we learn in 1 Corinthians 15 40aThere are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the bcelestial is one, and the glory of the cterrestrial is another. 41There is one glory of the asun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the bstars: for one star cdiffereth from another star in dglory. 42So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in acorruption; it is raised in incorruption:
  • Celestial Glory its for those that live faithful to Christ Gospel tough out their lives. There by receive the highest glory and to be in Heavenly Father presence

  • Terrestrail Glory. For those that refused the gospel  but live honorable lives.
  •  Telestial Glory. For those that continued to sin  and didn't repent

All receive glory but it variety according to us. Only in the Celestial Glory can  you be in Heavenly Father  presence and receive a fullness of joy.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Why are We All Here

Does God have a Plan for Me?
Why i am here and what do i need to do?
Is death the end?
Babies are born  and people dies almost ever hour on this earth. Is it all by roll of the die, or is their something bigger as work belong then what we can see with our mortal eyes. Their is a God and he lives, he has plan for for us the plan of salvation.  It as been made know to  us by the prophets of the past and prophets today.
When Adam and eve were cast of the garden we were then able to have children starting the human family. Like them we all have the power to choose. It up to us to follow Gods plan and have happiness or reject and suffer.
 When we were born, we forgot our pre-earth life, which means we have to live by faith rather than our memory of God. To help us through life, God promised that His Spirit would guide and strengthen us. Each time we feel the quiet comfort of His Spirit, we know that God loves us and cares about us.
Our life on this earth just small moment in Gods eternal plan for us. Cause the fall of Adam we all born into a fallen state.Which separates us form God presences, suffer physical death and pain, but also spiritual death and suffer cause of ours sins. Thou are are fallen and broken God has provide a power and savior that can rise us up. John 3: 16  For aGod so bloved the cworld, that he dgave his eonly begotten fSon, that whosoever gbelieveth in him should not perish, but have heverlasting ilife. Jesus came into the world of suffer and die for us, this act is called the atonement. It is way to make us one with God again. To over come spiritual death by our sins and  physical death.  the shedding of his blood in the garden of Gethsemane, his death on the cross and subsequent bodily resurrection from the grave, he made a perfect atonement for all mankind. All are covered unconditionally as pertaining to the fall of Adam. Hence, all shall rise from the dead with immortal bodies, because of Jesus’ atonement.
This life is a time for us to prepare to meet God, we are told in the scriptures that God will judges by according to our work in this life. No unclean thing (spiritual) can enter into the kingdom of God. We all sin but tough Christ atonement we can become clean from our sin. In this life we are gain faith in Christ, repent of sins, be baptised by priesthood authority, receive the holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, and live faithful to Christ gospel tough out our lives. Doing we can become clean and free from penalty from our sins. Time on this is limited we don't know when time will run out. So it is best to prepare now, so we aren't caught off guard.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Does God have a Plan for Me

Does God have a Plan for Me?
Why i am here and what do i need to do?
Is death the end?

We all need purpose in life with out it is hard to find satisfaction and peace. Have a vision or plan our mortal and ante moral existence  is what gives me hope and will to hold on a little longer. It is easy to get lost in chaos and confusion of modern life. Having a road map that tell where you are, where came from, and where and how get to the destiny.

Their is plan for us all that has been prepare before the earth was. The author of this plan is God the Father of our Spirits also call as our Heavenly Father. In  bible we read in Hebrews 12: 9, Furthermore we have had afathers of our flesh which bcorrected us, and we gave them creverence: shall we not much rather be in dsubjection unto the eFather of fspirits, and live? God is father of spirit Jesus Christ is son their work and gory is bring to pass the immortally and eternal life of man. If God is our spiritual father their for he created us spiritual  before this life. We know before this life we were spirits with God. He provide a plan for us to learn, grow in faith, and gain physical body. This plan is the plan of salvation, with was made for us to achieve our highest potential.

Has many of us know God created the world in three days. Set his two first children in the garden of Eden, Adam and eve  . So their is a lot of important thing about this. First in the garden it  was a garden paradise. Every thing was give to them and learned very little. They didn’t feel any sorrow or pain, which might seem nice, except that without it, they also couldn’t feel joy. Also they were incesaton and pure, not know good or bad, and not knowing or able to have children.  God told them not  to eat from tree of knowledge of good and evil. As a consequence, they were separated from God’s presence physically and spiritually—an event we refer to as the Fall. Satan tempted eve and ate of it then Adam ate. They became mortal—just as we are—subject to sin, disease, all types of suffering, and ultimately death. But it wasn’t all bad because they could now feel great joy. “Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.” (2 Nephi 2:25). This as part of Gods plan and wanted them to learn for themselves the power of choose and the affects of our chooses. Even thou they sin and fell, thought Gods plan them and us can be forgiven of or sin. And be worthy for return to Gods presence.

To be Contiuned

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Light that Directs our Lives

truth is powerful thing it changes lives and bring light to those in darkness. All truth comes form God, He set truth and He never changes nor does is truth it is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We can choose what is true God is control all we can do is to choose to accept it or not.

God compete and Full truth about His divinity, the plan for mankind, how to receive salvation, what is after this life, and the full compete  Gospel of Jesus Christ  is once again on the earth. We don't have to wonder and guess we can know. All of this cause God called prophet to day. God has not lift mankind alone to wander in the darkness. He has provide to light, a man how Bridges the gap between God and man. I Know this is true, i have found the answer of life i need.  If you aren't about all this study it at and pray about it. God will answer you prays if are sincere and will to act.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lamp Onto The Nations

God is light and Truth, all of it come from Him. It what makes Him God, gives him the power He his, and wish is light and truth of spend throughout the universe. Cause of our fallen state we cant be in his presence so He spends though is authorized reprentives or His servants. He is times past called him labor for the cause of spending the light and truth of God they are call the prophets. God has Called prophets from the beginning with Adam and eve. He reveal to them in dreams, visions, and by Holy Spirit also know as the Holy Ghost  His will and truth from heaven.

Moses is the best example. God chose moses and called to be a prophet giving him a change to free the Jews  and Giving him the power to be a prophet. As he spoke to the egythians he spoke what the lord told him is say. He work many great miracles that proved the power he was given from God. As the Jews were freed moses the lead the Jews to a promised land. Finally Moses saw God face to Face and was given the 10 commandments. It is prophet job to receive the light and truth of God and share it with others and to keep it pure. Evil men like the darkness and lies and will try to take away from light and truth the prophet brought.

Thoughout time the people repently reject what the prophets taught and did. I think is as a oil lamps its purpose is to illuminates a room showing what is real and true.  The intensity of the  light is largely dependent of the wick. On the lamp their is Dial that you turn which rises and lowers the wick. If you lower the wick to much the will go out, and as rise it up, clean, and trim the wick is will burn brighter. It is the same with prophets them came to give light but people chose to put out the light by killing them and destroying what they wrote. This puts the world in darkness and in need of a new prophet.

When Christ came the world was  in brightness the Jew didn't believe in more prophets or that God would speak to men any more. So when came to lamp burnt bright unto the whole world. But once again man put the light out. God won't force man He will let him do as he may. God will wait until the people and ready and willing for a new prophet.

God loves us more then you can think. He doesn't want us to suffer and wander in the darkness, He will provide a new light to for us.

Today the fullness of Gods truth or doctrine is on the earth and His light shines unto the whole earth. All this came about in the 1820 when God call an unlearned young man Named Joseph Smith to His prophet. Their are prophets  today that walk the earth spending the light and truth.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Clicks of The Clock of Life

Time keeps marching on and  on will not stop or be undone. Mortal life is part of a journey that is spent with time, you cant buy more and isn't refundable. Once it is sent you cannot get it back.  It is the most precious resource in this life. Time, like clicks of clock is always gone click by click.

It has been said that "where you money is your heart is". This is true what you truly care about you wont about the price. Think of you loved ones your family what cost would you go for them. Our time is money, you exchange your allotment of time for thrills. You may trade it for base desires. You may invest it in greed. But these are no bargains, for in them you find no lasting satisfaction.Every day, every hour, every minute of your span of mortal years must sometime be accounted for. And it is in this life that you walk by faith and prove yourself able to choose good over evil, right over wrong, enduring happiness over mere amusement. And your eternal reward will be according to your choosing.

How you spend you time prove who you are, what you want make yourself and life. What is worth your time. The question is what satisfies our deepest needs. Think of gum one my favorite is juice fruit the problem the favor is gone in 5 minutes and i need another piece to get back the favor. their are things life at only satisfied for a very short time tv, food, video games, shopping, smoking, alcohol, drugs, pornography, and any sinful act. Sooner or later the pleasurable favor will leave us. Leaving us only with us a desire to get it again and again until we are are out of time.

Family and the Gospel is what brings the most satisfaction to our lives. They fill our lives with meaning and joy. Two the most wanted after things in this life. We all want pursue and meaning for our lives. So may feel lost for forgotten. Remember you have Father in Heavenly who is God. He loves you endlessly and what the best for you in the long run.

With your allotted time spend is wisely no the things that matter most in life. The choose is yours no how you use your time but you cant choose the affect of your chooses. Spend your time with family they will always be our parents, sisters, brothers, or children you cant escapee them. So the most of it. Use your time to gain a  strong relationship with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. A testimony of Jesus Christ is a source of inner strength to face the challenges of life. Spends time in deep heart felt pray and reading the words of Christ also know as the scriptures. Those two thing proved a two way communication with the Father of our Spirits.

Time is always marching on use to in the best ways possible. When you we brought to stand before God and judged how spent this mortal life He will be pleased with your wise choose and will reward you for it.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

God voice Today Is Heared

Surely this are the last days, destruction wide spread, wars are waging, evil is getting more and more of a influence in the world. This what Christ and the apostle John warned us about in the bible. Many a times i have wonder if the last days are going to be earth darkest hour of need. Why wouldn't he send a message to help us.

God sent messenger or prophet anciently to teach the people about God and is commandment. Also to help and motivate the people to stay on the path. Many times the people reject the prophets and their message plus changed it to what they wanted. They lost the privilege to have a prophet around them for a time. God loves is children no matter they do. So when the people are readily he would send another prophet.

After Christ left the earth and the death of apostles and prophets that he called. Their was no one on the earth that spake in name of the lord.  Confusion was send throughout the whole earth.

In 1820 A young boy in northern New York was seeking for spiritual guidance. As God did in the past he called a unlearned and educated boy and man to be his mouth piece to the world. This video show the life and mission of the prophet Joseph Smith. As witness of Savior Jesus Christ to whole World. I know this man was a prophet. And prophets and a quorum of Twelve apostles walk the earth. You can learn of them and hear their world. Judging for yourself if they are True prophets and apostles or not. learn of the Prophets and Apostles

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dont Look Back

We all make mistakes in life, make stupid choose, fall into temptation we all fall short of the gory of God. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to improve. We all can fix our mistakes or sins in life. The process is call repentance which is made possible thought the atonement of the lord Jesus Christ. He suffered and was slain for the sins of the world. His atonement can satfied the demands of justice and rememd us. Removing the guilt and shame of our sins.. The lord will forgive us as we sinercy repent and turn to Him. As we repent of our sins we most forsake that sin and do on more.

As we turn to the lord we will tempted to fall back into the sin. Which the story of lott in the bible.  Lott lived in a very sinful city for along time. The lord warned Lott and his family that the God was going to destroy the city and he warned them if they turned to look back at person would turn into a pillar of salt .  So as he and his family were traveling  away form the city his wife was tempted by the comfort and pleasures of their past life. So as the  left we look back logging. She of course true to Gods promise was turned into pillar of salt.

Don't Look Back the future life with God is far better then any sinful place. Stay on the course to eternal life.

In the book of Mormon is great story of the power of conversion. A prophet name ammon went to a nation  called the Lamanites. The  lamanites were a sinful, rebels, murders people  guilty of many sins. The prophet teach a group of lamanites and convinced them of their sins. They all repent of the many murders they had done and promised never to kill any one else for the rest of their lives. To help them do this we buried the weapons of war turning away from them and walking towards Christ. Their convert ion was so profound and so deep they never did ever fall away.  you can read the  full story here

How did they never turn back and sin again. They gain a powerful testimony of Jesus Christ and is commandments. Burieding the temptation to sin and never unburied the  past. Let the past be past move on the do want we can now. Also they surround them self with people that wanted to live the same standards as them. Who were to support and encourage them to never to turn back.

We all can change but its hard and even hard to not to change back. But lord in faithfull is will not let us be tempated more then we are able and will proved a way to  ecaspe the tempation. Pray with all energy of heart for help and the lord will give it. Doing basic like prayer, reading the scriputes, and going to church is what brings the great peace and strenght in keeping on the path.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Negativity Poison Of The Soul

Since to fall of Adam their has been pain and suffering on the earth. Emotion suffering, spiritual pain of the soul, and sickness and death of the human body. The suffer cause of your own chooses, the choose of others, and just natural course for life. Pain is part of mortal life. In Christ healing wings is  heal balm that can mend any broke heart.

One my favorite scriptures in Alma 7 11-12. In this verse we find the true depth of Christ Atonement.  

11And he shall go forth, suffering pains and aafflictions and btemptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will ctake upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
 12And he will take upon him adeath, that he may bloose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to csuccor his people according to their infirmities.

Christ descend below all thing so He can know how we feel and to able he heal any and all wounds we have. He loves you more then you think.

How is do is find his healing power in this life.  Christ taught " if they harden not their hearts, and cstiffen not their necks against me, they shall be dconverted, and I will heal them." As we come closer to Christ and live is gospel. We will find the healing power that we seek and want. But we need to be humble

Now i get to the point of the post,  negativity. Christ was always positive and thankful no matter what happen to him. He was and is love. Love is show in accept es, practise, kindness,  and positive thought and word. Negative words and thought build nothing, they strengthen on good thing, all they do is destroy.  Negativity is like putting lemon juice on  a paper cut. All it does is cause more pain, widen the wound, and prolong the healing process.
You got to watch this video

If some one has done you wrong and i need of healing. The only way you every find heal in my forgiving that person and not keeping the negative all it does is holds you back. Avoid the negative thoughts and words remember they are still a child of God and He loves them. Also think of how many times the lord has forgiven you.

The atonement is and always will be love. Should not your lives and daily lives show the love of Christ. Let go of negative things all they are is a weight that you carry around. Which drag you down and take always your energy. So let go and mover towards Christ. Let Him carry our burdens.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weak Family can Become Strong

Family is the Central unit of socialite. It is the base of all our experiences in life and is what brings the greatest joy and fulfillment in life. Sadly like balancing spinning plate  one bad action or word can destroy all our hard work. A happy family is like fine  porcelain made of select raw materials, formed with faith, carefully crafted by consistent righteous acts, and fired in the furnace of uplifting experience. It is an object of great beauty and priceless worth. . Yet it can be damaged in a moment through transgression, requiring painful, prolonged effort to be rebuilt. When protected by self-control, families will endure for eternity.

How do you protect you family. We know Satan or the devil is the enemy of all righteousness, happiness, peace, and freedom he wishes to take all this away form us. Satan want to mock and destroy family, cause if he can do that then he takes out the central foundation of socialite . God was and in mindful of this and has provide a source of power for us all. To help us make tough the storms of life. This source of power is called the gospel. It teaches us the principles that build and enrich families. In the gospel we learn to become more like our savior, when that happens the gain the attributes of being a happy family. Successful family are built upon the principles of Faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome activities.

That's way is say all the time that the gospel can will bless any family. When they together learn and apply the gospel in there family. The  gospel is the power unto salvation, but also to save your family. I have seen family that were on the edge of destruction be reforged with unity in Christ. When you have commonality in Christ with your spouse or child you feel and experience seamier and familiar spiritual yearning that bound you together. When a family knees and prays together  and pray that the lord will bless your family. Thing come into focus plus love and respect is increased.

You are looking to strengthen or build your family to new highest. The answer is easy, Christ invitation is 'come unto me" and "come and see". The lord true and full gospel has been restored to earth. It has the power to save families, straighten families, and bring more meaning to your family.

Just give it a try what the worst that could happen. Their are tons of missionary like all around the world that would love to share with you the fullness of the Gospel. We  love to help all that will listen. You aren't alone in this life, all are welcomed.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What is The Mormon Church Made Of

What makes us the Mormon church? What is foundation principles of the Mormon church? This are are some question i have been asked as i have served a mission for the Mormon church. The LDS or Mormon Church is not just an other denomination . It is the True restored Church that Christ Himself organized on the earth. We look at is this way  our church has been on the earth since the time of Adam, but has been lost or taken off the earth a couple times. Modernly it was reoganized or restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith

Paul teach of the foundation of Christ New testament Church in Ephesiasns 2 20 "And are built upon the foundation of the aapostles and bprophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief ccorner stone;" So Christ is center, He the prefect piece that every other piece is built off of. Paul later goes into detail in chapter 4 11-14; " And he agave some, bapostles; and some, cprophets; and some, devangelists; and some, epastors and fteachers; For the aperfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the bedifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the aunity of the faith, and of the bknowledge of the Son of God, unto a cperfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more achildren, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of bdoctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; Christ gave us prophet and Apostles to build and strengthen the follows of Christ. Also to keep any false doctrine or traditions form spending.

When the savior was taken from the world and apostles killed on one of the earth held the office the had and couldn't be given to any one unless some one at had that office gave it to them. So the people made up false doctrine got confused on what was true and change or removed the ordinance of the Gospel.

Today God has brought back the that church Buit on Christ and his teaching, apostles and prophet that are called of God, and the Book of Mormon. The Book Of Mormon is an other testament of Christ written actual in the Americas. It ts Proving power that the men that translated Joseph Smith was a true Prophet and that LDS Church is the lords Kingdom on the earth. Much like a keystone of a arch it supports and holds up the rest of the arch. If the Book Of Mormon is true then Joseph Smith is true also. Only a prophet can bring forth scriptures. That is way it is call the keystone of our Religion, cause if take away the Book  of  Mormon we have on Religion is falls to the ground

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gospel Buffet

God is in the heaven and he changes not. He is same yesterday, today, and forever. By Him  all thing are and were created also my is power he governs heaven above and earth beneath. He is in control. I know God lives and know the way to eternal life. All i have to do is follow is plan for us.

In Ephesians 4 : 5 is says "One Lord, one afaith, one bbaptism," this meas their is one set path that God has set. We cannot take the gospel and commandments as a buffet. Take only what we like and leaving the rest. You can't pick and choose in gospel. Also in Isaiah 55: 8-9  we read "8For my athoughts are not byour thoughts, neither are your cways my dways, saith the Lord.  9For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my aways bhigher than your ways, and my cthoughts than your thoughts". Who are to say what we think  God is and what we want to is gospel and commandments to be. It has been set in stone for us all, no one is different in Gods eyes.

When studying and looking for the true gospel  don't go to want you like or what sounds good to you. Seek for the truth don't try to force to God to meet our standards. We are ones that must meet his standards for all mankind.

To gain exaltation we must be obedient in all things. No we will not be prefect but can and must try our best. Elder Russell M. Nelson taught last conference ,"Teach of faith to keep all the commandments of God, knowing that they are given to bless His children and bring them joy. 4 Warn them that they will encounter people who pick which commandments they will keep and ignore others that they choose to break. I call this the cafeteria approach to obedience. This practice of picking and choosing will not work. It will lead to misery. To prepare to meet God, one keeps all of His commandments. It takes faith to obey them, and keeping His commandments will strengthen that faith."

All we can do is to accept what its true and what he wants from us and go on with it. Once again He is control we aren't what ever he says goes.

So The questions is black in white Is the Book Of Mormon true Scripture or is not, was Joseph smith a true prophet or not, is the clam that is is the true and complete church of Jesus Christ on the earth or its is not.

The Holy Ghost can and will reveal the truth of all things if we search , ponder, and pray.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Mormon Missionary explained

Ever wonder who those guy in white shirt and tie are walking down the street. Here is answers. I found a sweet that explains missionary life simply
I missionary i can promise you that we are just as nerves, confused, and scared when we knock on your door or talk to you outside. Many a time i have debate in my mind to talk to people i see around me and knock on the next door. I cant lie its hard and scary to do what we do. but the message we share is so important that i don it any ways. I can promise any one that listen and apply our message they can improve the there life. Your message is centered on Jesus Christ and his gospel. Those two thing can change any ones life for the good. So please the next time is crazy hot or freezing cold and two missionary's come to your door let them in. Many a days i have walked for miles hope some one would offer me a glass of or some thing. We are working a tails off, and we can give serve in way you need. We are call to serve God and man if you some one to talk to, help in the yard, etc. We would love help as much as we can.