The Purpose Of This Blog

Right now i am missionary For LDS church also know as mormon church. I had made this blog to try create better understanding of Mormons and their beliefs. Plus to help people come close to their savior Jesus Christ so they can have joyful and fullfilled lives! By learning of Christ and his teaching we can become more like. In doing so we can have more meaning full lives

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Does God have a Plan for Me

Does God have a Plan for Me?
Why i am here and what do i need to do?
Is death the end?

We all need purpose in life with out it is hard to find satisfaction and peace. Have a vision or plan our mortal and ante moral existence  is what gives me hope and will to hold on a little longer. It is easy to get lost in chaos and confusion of modern life. Having a road map that tell where you are, where came from, and where and how get to the destiny.

Their is plan for us all that has been prepare before the earth was. The author of this plan is God the Father of our Spirits also call as our Heavenly Father. In  bible we read in Hebrews 12: 9, Furthermore we have had afathers of our flesh which bcorrected us, and we gave them creverence: shall we not much rather be in dsubjection unto the eFather of fspirits, and live? God is father of spirit Jesus Christ is son their work and gory is bring to pass the immortally and eternal life of man. If God is our spiritual father their for he created us spiritual  before this life. We know before this life we were spirits with God. He provide a plan for us to learn, grow in faith, and gain physical body. This plan is the plan of salvation, with was made for us to achieve our highest potential.

Has many of us know God created the world in three days. Set his two first children in the garden of Eden, Adam and eve  . So their is a lot of important thing about this. First in the garden it  was a garden paradise. Every thing was give to them and learned very little. They didn’t feel any sorrow or pain, which might seem nice, except that without it, they also couldn’t feel joy. Also they were incesaton and pure, not know good or bad, and not knowing or able to have children.  God told them not  to eat from tree of knowledge of good and evil. As a consequence, they were separated from God’s presence physically and spiritually—an event we refer to as the Fall. Satan tempted eve and ate of it then Adam ate. They became mortal—just as we are—subject to sin, disease, all types of suffering, and ultimately death. But it wasn’t all bad because they could now feel great joy. “Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.” (2 Nephi 2:25). This as part of Gods plan and wanted them to learn for themselves the power of choose and the affects of our chooses. Even thou they sin and fell, thought Gods plan them and us can be forgiven of or sin. And be worthy for return to Gods presence.

To be Contiuned

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