The Purpose Of This Blog

Right now i am missionary For LDS church also know as mormon church. I had made this blog to try create better understanding of Mormons and their beliefs. Plus to help people come close to their savior Jesus Christ so they can have joyful and fullfilled lives! By learning of Christ and his teaching we can become more like. In doing so we can have more meaning full lives

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fruits and Works

God doesn't want us to ponder and guess what is right and true. He loves us and wants us all to know for a fact the truth. Since the beginning he has provide a means for us to know the path.

The lord Jesus Christ taught Seek and we find, Knock and it will be opened to us, Ask and we will receive.  This is true, before Christ crucified he to told the apostles that God would send the Holy Ghost. Whose role is to teach and testify of truth, and so to lead and guide us. As we ask God in pray to know what is right. God will confirm to our souls the truth of all thing tough the Holy Ghost.

This is not all in the summon on the mount Christ and taught and warned that false prophets and/or teachers will come tyring to deceive you. But by the fruits you would know a true prophet from a false one. Only good men of God can bring the thing of God. The things of the spirit come to those follow Christ  and seek to serve God. Evil men cant bring good thing that lead to the true understanding of God.

Joseph Smith was a prophet of all might God, called in this latter days to lead us and to restore the full and complete gospel of Jesus Christ back to the earth. He didn't seek the praise of men or to gain glory in their sight. He suffer and died for what he claimed to be true, if he lied and about what he saw and did. Why would he suffer persecution,  fear, being kicked out of city after city,  and even marching to own death with faith and courage, leaving his Family father less, and many to walk across the plains of America in hope of peace? No liar wound go so far what he knew to be lie.

Just as Christ taught by the fruit of Joseph Smith we can know if he was true prophet or false, judges the works the him as guided by the spirit. The Holy Ghost will up lift and enlighten our mind to truth if you seek it. So what are the fruits of Joseph Smith and the Church he reorganized on the earth.
  • The Book of Mormon, A volume of Holy scripture That was written in  ancient Americas, the book is 529 page and on very page their is reference to God or Christ. No farm Boy of the 1830 could write book like unless he was directed by the lord
  • thought Joseph Smith the Lord bought the true Priesthood Authority  back the earth
  • The many revelation that expanded our know of God
  • The Church he reorganized on the earth with all its duties and offices
  • The Mormon tabernacle choir, the world most famous Choir sings beautiful songs of the Savior
  • church welfare program, a program developed 75 years ago, to help and support those in need.
  • More than 50,000 missionaries are serving missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at any one time. Most are young people under the age of 25, serving in nearly 350 missions throughout the world.
  • From the beginning of only 6 members in the 1830s to now over 14 million members worldwide

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