The Purpose Of This Blog

Right now i am missionary For LDS church also know as mormon church. I had made this blog to try create better understanding of Mormons and their beliefs. Plus to help people come close to their savior Jesus Christ so they can have joyful and fullfilled lives! By learning of Christ and his teaching we can become more like. In doing so we can have more meaning full lives

Friday, April 29, 2011

What Does the LDS church have to offer you

What can The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints or Mormon church can give that you don't already have. We love and respect other church and religion, we Honor all who worship their God. But we know what to be true. God is the source of all truth, and it doesn't change. So God is a true or false God. either its True and real or False and fake. You learn or ourselves by pray and study the truth of all things

Fullness of the gospel. their are thousand of ideas about God and his gospel some true and some false. After the Christ left the earth and death of the apostles there was no one to keep the doctrine's, teachings, and ordinances pure. Many thing were lost tougth the years. But God has  called a new prophet Joseph Smith How brought  the fullness of Gospel the power unto salvation. The gospel in its fullness can help us face ever change and test of life. Plus full our life with joy and happiness. I love the gospel its has bless to in many ways. We need not wounder what is real, we know!

Priesthood.The priesthood is the authority to act in God’s name. The same priesthood authority that existed in the original Church established by Jesus Christ exists in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today. The Church is directed and led through this authority.
All male members of the Church who are prepared receive the priesthood in order to help lead the Church and serve Heavenly Father’s children. A man with the priesthood might serve in some of the following ways:
  • Leading congregations of the Church
  • Performing the ordinances of the Church, such as baptism
  • Blessing those who are sick.
 I have seen miracles happen in my by the priesthood. Its the lord's hand in your life.

Temples. Temples are special buildings to the  lord. inside that upon our self special promise and in turn when we live up to our promise  the lord will bless with great gifts. The greats of this gifts is Family relationships can last forever—not just for this life.Family members who accept the Atonement of Jesus Christ and follow His example can be together forever through sacred ordinances performed in God’s holy temples. These ordinances seal a husband and wife together for all eternity and children to their parents as an eternal family. (See: “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”)

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